YII Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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YII Interview Questions

Most Frequently Asked YII Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked YII Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What is helper in Yii? Why it is used?

The Yii Framework provides many classes that simplify common coding tasks like array manipulation, code generation, etc. These are called Helper classes. These can be found under yii\helpers. These classes are static, which means they merely contain static methods and should never be instantiated.

Q12. How to make layout in Yii?
Q13. How to include a view file in another view file Yii?
Q14. How we can remove index.php from URL in Yii?
Q15. What is the difference between render() and renderpartial() in Yii ?
S.no render() renderPartial()
1. Used for presenting views that correspond to what users see a web page. Used for rendering a portion of a page
2. Places the render result into the layout. Does not place the results of rendering in the layout.
3. Performs output processing and outputs the result. Does not perform output processing
Q16. In Yii, How to get ip address?

To get the IP address of a user within the Yii Framework, the following code can be used:
echo Yii::app()->request->userHostAddress;
You can call this code from anywhere within your Yii application.

This information was frequently asked during Yii interview questions for experienced professionals.

Q17. What is gii? Why it is used?

Gii is one of the most powerful web-based, code-generator modules in the Yii Framework. It helps the developers in creating fully-customized forms and models for databases.

Q18. How we can call layouts in controller file in Yii?
Q19. How we can get current controller & action name in Yii?

You can get the current controller name by:
//Controller Name
echo Yii::$app->controller->id;

You can get current action name by:
echo Yii::$app->controller->action->id;

Q20. What are the server requirements to install Yii2?

To install the Yii Framework, your server requires PHP 5.4 or higher version, mbstring extension, and PCRE-support

Reviewed and verified by Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh

My name is Umesh Singh having 11+ experience in Node.JS, React JS, Angular JS, Next JS, PHP, Laravel, WordPress, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, HTML and CSS etc. I have worked on around 30+ projects. I lo...