VB.net Interview Questions and Answers

Visual Basic .NET, or VB.NET, is a general-purpose, an object-oriented programming language that is implemented on the .NET Framework. On our website, we have provided potential vb net interview questions. Evolution of Visual Basic language, VB.NET is not backward-compatible with VB6. Therefore, any code written in the previous version will not compile under the new VB.NET.
VB.NET is a structured language that produces efficient programs. Similar to all of the .NET languages, VB.NET is easy to learn and has full support for the concept of object-oriented language. Everything in VB.NET is treated as an object, including primitive types, user-defined types, and even assemblies. Because VB.NET was implemented on the .NET framework of Microsoft, it has full access to all the libraries in the.Net Framework. You can also run VB.NET programs on Mono, which is an open-source alternative to .NET Framework. Visit our website to watch the most popular vb net interview questions and answers. Also, it is also beneficial because the .NET Framework works not only under Windows but also on Linux and Mac OS.
Most Frequently Asked VB.net Interview Questions
VB.Net is one of the most productive languages that can e used for rapidly building a wide range of web, Windows, and Mobile applications on the .NET Framework.
Here are some of the advantages of VB.NET:
- Handles pointers indirectly which makes apps more stable and secure.
- VB functionalities can be used using Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.
- Provides managed code execution that results in robust applications.
- Supports optional parameters that make interoperability easier.
- XML is used to transfer data between various layers, which makes data to e passed as text strings.
S.no | VB | VB.Net |
1. | Platform dependent | Platform Independent |
2. | Backward compatible | Not backward compatible |
3. | Interpreted | Compiler Language |
4. | Develops multi-thread apps | Does not develop multi-threaded apps |
It's the latest version VB 15.8, was released in August 2018.
.Net is a framework developed by Microsoft, whereas VB.Net is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language.
Have you read our rest of the VB.Net questions and answers?
S.no | VB.Net | C# |
1. | Optional Parameters accepted | Optional Parameters not allowed |
2. | Not case sensitive | Case Sensitive |
3. | No feature for releasing unmanaged resources | ‘Using’ used for releasing unmanaged resources |
4. | Supports structured and unstructured error handling | Only supports informal error handling |
JIT in VB.Net is also called as Just in Time. It is nothing but a compiler that plays a part during runtime execution. In VB.Net, we have three types of JIT:
- Pre-JIT: It compiles MSIL code into native code in one compilation cycle.
- Econo-JIT: It compiles methods that are called at runtime and removes them from memory after execution.
- Normal JIT: It compiles methods that are only called at runtime.
An assembly is an element of any .NET app. It is called a primary unit or building blocks for all .NET applications. It can either be a DLL or an executable file. Keep visiting our website for in-depth vb net interview questions.
There are two types of assemblies - Private Assembly and Shared Assembly.
To avoid data loss during conversion, VB.Net uses the Strict Option keyword. It ensures compile-time notification of data type conversions.
Option Explicit is another keyword that is used in a file to declare variables using declare keywords, such as Private explicitly, Dim, Protected and Public. However, if undeclared variables persist, an error will occur during the compile time.
S.no | Finalize | Dispose |
1. | Called by Garbage collector | Handled by IDisposable interface |
2. | Help get rid of unmanaged resources. | Helps in releasing unused resources. |
3. | It is called only when there are no valid references. | Called even if other references are alive. |
Development History
Designed and developed by Mircosoft to leverage .NET framework classes and runtime environment. This information is mostly asked during vb net interview questions. VB.NET has evolved from Visual Basic 6. Its first version, VB 7.0, was released in 2002.
Latest Version
Its latest updated version, VB 15.8, was released in August 2018.
VB.Net has some robust features that make it a popular language among developers:
Our unique extensively researched visual basic exam questions and answers are the best way to prepare for job interviews.
- Assembly Versioning
- Indexers
- Standard Library
- Conditional Compilation
- Properties and Events
- Simple Multithreading
- Delegates and Events Management
- Boolean Conditions
- Easy-to-use Generics
- Automatic Garbage Collection