Symfony interview questions and Answers

Symfony is one of the most widely used PHP frameworks with a set of reusable components and options. Symfony aims to expedite the creation and maintenance of web applications and replace repetitive coding tasks. Though Symfony is known for its low-performance overhead, it gives developers control over the overall configuration. Though most of the Symfony Interview Questions vary from organization to organization, we would still like to put together these related questions and answers that you can expect during the interview.
Development History: Symfony was published as free software in October 2005, and released under the MIT license.
- Sponsored by SensioLabs.
- Inspired by the Spring Framework.
- Symfony ranks 3rd in popularity after Laravel and CodeIgniter.
- It is aimed at building robust, enterprise-level applications.
- Makes use of existing PHP open source projects.
- They are bundled with additional components to help developers test and debug projects.
Most Frequently Asked Symfony interview questions
Bundles in Symfony are similar to packages or plugins in other CMS or frameworks. In Symfony, bundles provide the developers with the flexibility to use pre-built features consisted of third-party bundles or to create and distribute their own bundles.
Symfony has two types of bundles:
- Application specific bundles
- Reusable bundles
The Symfony routing configuration files are written with YAML, XML and PHP technology. The default routing configuration file in Symfony is: app/config/routing.yml
Using Symfony has a number of its unique benefits, such as:
- Fast development
- Unlimited user flexibility
- MVC pattern
- The stable and sustainable framework
- Better user control & ease of use
- Expandable
Symfony has five cache adapters available inside it. The available cache adapters are as following:
- File system cache adapter
- Array cache adapter
- APCu cache adapter
- PHP files cache adapter
- Redis cache adapter
In Symfony, developers can get the request parameter by using the following syntax:
Symfony is a leading, reliable and one of the most used PHP framework combined with a set of highly featureful and reusable PHP components to create websites, dynamic web applications, web services and microservices. It is an open source framework and supports the MVC design pattern.
Symfony controller is a PHP function that obtains information from the HTTP request to construct and return an HTTP response. The response can vary and could be an XML document, an HTML page, a redirect, a 404 error, a serialized JSON array, or any other request.
A group of configurations used to run an application is basically described as an Environment in Symfony.
This framework has two default environments:
- Prod: Optimized for executing an application on production
- Dev: Used when an application is developed locally.
Symfony framework supports various user popular web servers. For example, few of the best web servers compatible with Symfony are LAMP, WAMP, XAMP, MAMP, Microsoft IIS, Nginx, and PHP’s built-in web server.
A Symfony controller can do virtually anything inside this framework. From redirecting and forwarding to accessing core services to rendering templates; a controller in Symfony can be used for various basic tasks.
Latest Recommended Version: The standard version of Symfony is maintained for eight months, and long-term support (LTS) versions are supported for three years. A new LTS release is published biennially. The current release is version 4.2.1.
These below listed Symfony Interview Questions are designed for developers who are preparing for an interview on Symfony Framework.
Advantages of Symfony
- Flexible, Reliable, Easy to test
- Extensive online community support, Long-term support
- Good documentation