SQLite Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 10, 2022
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SQLite Interview Questions

Most Frequently Asked SQLite Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked SQLite Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What is the role of the Index in SQLite?

Indexes are the lookup tables which are used by the database Engines to speed up the process of retrieving of the data. We can say that the Index is a pointer to the data in a table.

Q12. What are the SQLite transactions?

In SQLite, the transaction is mentioned as a unit of work performed against a database. The properties of a transaction are determined by four factors also called ACID.

  • Atomicity: Ensures work of units to be completed successfully.
  • Consistency: Ensures the states of database change after every successful transaction.
  • Isolation: This enables SQLite transactions to operate independently and transparent to each other.
  • Durability: This ensures the effect of committed transactions stays in case of system failure.

This question has always been a center of the discussion in SQLite Interview Question Android


Q13. How to delete or add columns from an existing SQLite table?

The user has first to save the existing data to a temporary table. Then, then drop the old column or table, create a new table and copy the data back that put in the temporary table. The support for the altar table is minimal.

Q14. What is the maximum size of an SQLite VARCHAR?

There is no specific length for VARCHAR in SQLite. Users can declare a VARCHAR(10), and SQLite is capable of storing a 500 million character string there while keeping all the characters intact.

Q15. When to and when not to use SQLite?

SQLite is a pretty advanced and useful database management system, but as like many there are areas where it standout and regions where it is vulnerable. It can be helpful in conditions like embedded applications, testing and disk assess replacement, whereas it is not advised to use SQLite for multi-user applications and applications requiring high write volumes.

Q16. When does SQLITE_SCHEMA error appear?

This error appears when a prepared SQL statement is not valid and can’t be executed. This error usually occurs when we use the sqlite3 step() and sqlite3 prepare() interfaces to run SQL.

Q17. How do we use a string literal which contains an embedded single-quote (‘) character?

The standard SQL specifies that single-quotes in strings can be escaped by putting two single in a row. In this scenario, it works with the Pascal programming language.

Q18. What do you mean by the Export Control Classification Number (EECN) in SQLite?

The source code for the core public domain SQLite is not described by any EECN. That’s why the ECCN should be reported here as EAR99. But, we add new code or link SQLite with an application, then it may change the EECN number.

Q19. How to create an AUTOINCREMENT field in SQLite?

The user has to declare an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column on the table at first. After this, whenever we insert a NULL into that column of the table, it will automatically be converted into an integer which is one greater than the most considerable value of that column over all the other rows present in the table.

Q20. What are the methods to insert data in the SQLite table?

There are two ways to insert data in an SQLite table:

1. INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME [(column1, column2, column3,...columnN)] VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);

2. INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...valueN);

Reviewed and verified by Baliram Prasad
Baliram Prasad

Baliram Prasad is a Technical Lead in Coldfusion. I am working closely with B2C and B2B Clients. I am having 13+ years of experience. I love programming and most of my time goes in learning the best w...