Search Engine Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Most Frequently Asked Search Engine Marketing Interview Questions
Q11. What if CTR and how do you calculate it?
CTR stands for Click-Through Rate. Click-Through Rate is the best and the easiest way to make a comparison of the performance on different ad campaigns. The formula for CTR is
CTR=TotalMeasuredClcks/TotalmeasuredAdimpressions x 100
- Total Measured Clicks:- Total clicks on an ad
- Total Measured Ad impressions:- Total number of times when an ad was loaded on a page
Q12. How many types of keywords in Google AdWords?
Google AdWords has basically four match types for Positive Keywords
- Broad
- Broad Match Modifier
- Phrase
- Exact
Google AdWords has basically three match types for Negative Keywords
- Broad
- Phrase
- Exact
Q13. What do you understand by Google KPI in AdWords?
Q14. What is your most successful Ads campaign and why?
Q15. Which paid media is Good for our business and why?
Q16. Why Search Engine Marketing important?
Q17. How do I Know that SEM is right for my Business?
Q18. What factors affect AdWords Quality score?
The factors that can impact the score either directly or indirectly are:-
- The ad’s Click-Through-Rate (current and expected)
- Display URLs past CTR
- The total quality of the landing page
- The variation in performance on each device
- d to search term relevance
Q19. How do you decide which keywords are good for your business?
I decide the keywords based on the following points:-
- The owner must think like a customer while creating a keyword list
- Select particular keywords to target particular customers
- Select generic keywords also to reach to more people
- Group the related keywords into ad groups
- Pick the right number of keywords
- Pick the precise number of keywords
- Choose those keywords which relate to the websites or apps which customers generally see
Q20. When you saw your average position drop, what did you do?
If I see a drop in my average position, then I will look at what actually went wrong. I will perform some checks which are as follows:-
- Data Accuracy
- Penalty
- Google algorithm updates
- Major site changes
- Links missing
- Competitors
- SEM traffic dismantle SEO's
- Mobile-First Indexing
- A change in the SERP
This is a very critical question in SEM interview questions.