Sass Interview Questions and Answers
SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language, in other words, it is a scripting language which is compiled into CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).In short, SASS is the CSS pre-processor, and it is a more stable and powerful CSS extension. SASS is an open-source pre-processor which is coded in Ruby. We are mentioning some of the SASS Interview Questions that will give you the detail of the topic.
Development History of SASS
Natalie Weizenbaum developed SASS, and Hampton Catlin designed it. SASS was developed to reduce the coding time by using only a few codes for ant HTML elements.
SASS was developed in such a way that it is compatible with any CSS because it contains all the features of CSS and secondly the document it provides is in a structured format only.
Get into complete detail and knowledge of SASS through SASS advanced interview questions.
- Stable and powerful than CSS
- Open-Source Pre-processor
- Can be used on all the versions of CSS
- Possible to use the nested syntax and useful functions. For example -Mathematics, Colour Manipulation.
Most Frequently Asked Sass Interview Questions
SASS has the following Data Types:-
- Number
- String
- Colour
- Map
- Booleans and Null
By using @extend function same style can be copied to the other classes also and there is no need to rewrite the code again.
@if directive <and its other companions like @else if, @else allows the code to run only if the conditions are met
@if <Boolean expression> {
@else if the derivative is used with the @if derivative when two codes have to run like if the condition is true then do this and @else if-if the condition is false.
// $test: 5;
p {
@if $test < 5 {
text-color: orange;
} @else if $test > 5 {
text-color: green;
} @else if $test == 5 {
text-color: blue;
@for derivative is used when the particular group of the statement has to execute a specific number of times and
@for from through {
The @include derivative is related to mixins that means it includes @mixin code. It allows the coder to create reusable code.
The @at-root directive in SASS was introduced in the Ruby SASS 3.3 in order to emit a style block at the root of the document, In spite of being nested beneath in its parent selectors.
Mixin function helps in making the group of the CSS declarations that need to be used throughout the coding and as result the length of the code reduces.