Ruby on rails interview questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Ruby on rails interview questions

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web development tool that is built on top of Ruby programming language. Designed around productivity and simplicity, this framework gives developers a structure for writing code for building websites and web applications. Ruby on Rails is interpreted like Python, Perl, Tcl/TK, and is object-oriented like Eiffel, Smalltalk, Ada, and Java. If you have read our Ruby On Rails Interview Questions, you can easily find your next dream job.

Most Frequently Asked Ruby on rails interview questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Ruby on rails interview questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q21. What role does garbage collection play?
  • It enables removal of pointer values that are left behind after the program execution ends.
  • It releases the programmer from tracking objects that get created dynamically on runtime.
  • It facilitates the removal of distant objects from the memory so that other processes can use the memory.
Q22. How is direct different from render?

Redirect is used to issue the error message when the page is not found in the browser. This function tells the browser to issue a new request.

Render is used to make the content and it only works when the controller is being set up with the variables that require rendering.

Q23. What is the importance of RJs?

It is a template that produces JavaScript. This javaScript then runs in an eval block in response to an AJAX request. Sometimes, this template is also used to define JavaScript, Prototype and helpers offered by Rails.

Q24. How is calling super() different from the super call?

A call to super() initiates the parent method without any disputes.

A call to super initiates the parent method with the same disputes that were passed to the child. An error will occur if the arguments passed to the child do not match with the parent method.

Q25. What are Float, Dig and Max?

Float is used when the function changes constantly.

Dig is used when you want to show a float in decimal digits.

Max is used when there is a need of Float.

Q26. How many types of variables are available in Ruby Class?

Mainly four types of variables are available in Ruby Class - local variables, global variables, class variables and instance variables.

Q27. How are the key differences between Python and Ruby?


  • There are options for carrying out an action.
  • It a reflective and object-oriented programming language.
  • Used for functional programming.
  • Frequent updates.


  • There is one specific way to carry out an action.
  • It is a high-level and general purpose language.
  • Used for scientific programming.
  • Fewer updates.
Development History

David Heinemeier Hansson released Ruby on Rails in 2004. Even today David is working on Rails with a massive group of open-source contributors to make it faster and better. Before you head for your next interview, have a look at these Ruby On Rails Interview Questions.

  • Integrated application
  • Default configuration saves a lot of time and work.
  • Great ecosystem helps you find online tools & support.
  • Active development status keeps introducing fixes & adding features.
  • Testing frameworks are strong.

Latest Version: Latest version is 6.0.0.rc1, which was released in April 24, 2019. Do summarize this information if you are looking for Ruby Programming Language Interview Questions

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