React Redux Interview Questions

Congratulations on being shortlisted for the interview! Now your focus should be on cracking your interview, before we dig into the redux interview questions; we want to tell a bit about Redux and its scope. Redux works as an open-source JavaScript library that is used for managing the application state. It is written in JavaScript and it was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark. Also, the scope of redux is increasing day by day as it makes the state changes in apps more predictable and hence results in the easy testing of the app.
We put together the list of all the important react redux interview questions for all the career stages (fresher, intermediate, and professional experts). These questions are going to work best for quick browsing just before the interview.
Most Frequently Asked Redux Interview Questions
There are three core principles that Redux follows:
- Single source of truth: The global state of your app is put away in an object tree inside a single store.
- The state is read-only: State can only be changed by emitting an action, an object that explains what has happened.
- Changes are made with pure functions: This is to define how the state tree is being transformed by the actions, you have to write pure reducers.
NOTE: If you want to learn more about Redux then you can visit here.
mapStateToProps() | mapDispatchToProps() |
It is a function that is used to provide the stored data to the component. | It is a function that is used to provide the action creators with props to the component. |
All the results of mapStateToProps() should be the plain object that will later be merged into the component’s prop. | By mapDispatchToProps(), all the action creators are wrapped in the dispatcher call so that they may be called upon directly and will be merged into the component’s prop. |
It is used to connect the redux state to the props of the react component. | It is used to connect redux actions to the react props. |
You do not need to push everything in the redux store as you have to keep your application state as small as possible. You should only do it if it makes a difference to you to keep something there or maybe helping you in making your life easier while using Dev Tools.
It is a time travel environment that allows live editing for Redux with action replay, hot reloading, and customizable UI. For your ease, you can also use the extension of Redux DevTools in any of your browsers, Chrome, or firefox.
Major features of Redux DevTools are:
- It allows you to inspect all the states and action payload.
- It allows you to go back into the time simply by canceling the actions.
- Each stage action will be re-evaluated in case you change the reducer code.
- With the help of persistState() store enhancer, you can continue your debug sessions across page reloads.
If you want to read more about this topic in detail then you can visit here.
Actions are the plain JavaScript objects which contain a type field. Action can be considered as an event that can describe something that has happened in the application.
Always remember actions should contain a small amount of information that is needed to mention what has happened.
const addTodoAction = {
type: 'ADD',
payload: 'Buy-milk'
The Redux “store” carries together all the states, reducers, and actions that create the app. The store has multiple responsibilities:
- It holds the state of the current application from inside
- With the help of store.getState(); it allows access to the current state.
- With the help of the store.dispatch(action); it allows the state to be updated.
- With the help of the store.subscriber(listener); it allows to register listener callbacks.
Store Methods
- getState()
- dispatch(action)
- subscribe(listener)
- replaceReducer(nextReducer)
import { createStore } from 'redux'
const store = createStore(todos, ['Use Redux'])
function addTodo(text) {
return {
type: 'ADD_TODO',
store.dispatch(addTodo('Read the docs'))
store.dispatch(addTodo('Read about the middleware'))
For adding multiple middlewares to Redux, you can use applyMiddleware by which the developer can pass each piece of middleware as the new or another argument. As per your preferences, you just need to pass every single piece of middleware.
For instance, one can add the Redux Thunk and the logger middleware as the argument just as below:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(ReduxThunk, logger)(createStore);
React Context | React Redux |
This can be used in the application directly and best for passing the data to the deeply nested components. | To use this in the application, you need to code it separately and then need to merge them. |
Context API doesn’t provide a large number of features. | Redux is much more powerful and provides a large number of features |
To access the redux stores outside a react component, you need to export the store from the module where it has been created with createStore.
NOTE: If you are looking for React Native Interview Questions then you can visit here.
store = createStore(myReducer);
export default store;
All the applications have multiple top-level directories as mentioned below:
- Components: it is used for “dumb” React components that are unfamiliar with Redux.
- Containers: It is used for “smart” React components which are connected to the Redux.
- Actions: It is used for all the action creators, where the file name should be corresponding to the part of the app.
- Reducers: It is used for all the reducers where the file name is corresponding to the state key.
- Store: it is used for store initialization. This directory works best in small and mid-level size apps.

Try to share or write the code wherever possible as it will show your technical skills. That’s it, you are all set for your interview. Now, you only need to practice these react redux interview questions again and again so that you can build confidence in yourself and create a positive impression on the interviewer with your perfect answers.