Redis interview questions and Answers

Most Frequently Asked Redis interview questions
Redis stands for REmote DIctionary Server. Redis is an open-source in-memory database which stores the data in the key-value pairs.
For example:- NAME = Ram, here NAME is the key and Ram is the value. In-memory database means that the data is stored in the memory, but the data can also be stored in the disk.
Benefits of Redis
- in-memory database, therefore, it is swift.
- Uses the data structure to store the data
- Supports data replication
- Can be used as a cache system as well as the database.
- Data read, and Data write done by commands
- Redis is simple to configure, learn and implement.
- Redis allows data replication
- Redis works on the Client-Server mechanism.
- In Redis, there is no requirement of tables, rows, and columns.
- Redis includes pipelining that means multiple commands can be clustered and send them at once.
- Redis can be used as a database
- Redis has the master-slave feature
The latest version of Redis is 5.0.3 which got released on 12th December 2018.
Redis can be installed on the Ubuntu machines by using the command:-
sudo apt-get install Redis-server
If the user wants Redis to be installed as an object cache for Wordpress or any other PHP, then the following command can be used:-
sudo apt-get install php-redis
If the user wants to configure the Redis as a cache, /etc/Redis/redis.conf file needs to be updated, and the text editor nano can be used for this purpose.
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
Any text editor can be used.
Here is one of the way of installing the Redis on Windows:-
1.Install some packages
- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
- $ sudo apt-get install tcl8.5
2. Download the source code of the latest version of Redis.
3. Extract the file that has been downloaded.
4.Compile the Redis source
- $ sudo make distclean
- $ sudo make –j
5.Test the compiled files ((optional))
- $ sudo make test -j
6. After compilation, copy the Redis binaries under /usr/local/bin/ and then install the Redis server by the following instructions:-
- $ sudo make install -j
- $ cd utils
- $ sudo ./
7. Installation Completed
Point to be noted:- Go through this Q&A very thoroughly as this is one of the vital Redis interview questions. | Redis | Memcached |
1. | Supports data replication | Does not support data replication |
2. | Single threaded Architecture | Multithreaded Architecture |
3. | Many data types can be used | Limited to strings data type |
- DEL:-if the key exists then it deletes the key
Syntax:- redis> DEL KEY_NAME
- EXISTS:-this checks whether the key exists or not
Syntax:- redis> EXISTS KEY_NAME
- EXPIRE:- this sets the expiry date of the key after the specified time
Syntax:- redis> Expire KEY_NAME TIME_IN_SECONDS
- TTL:-this shows the time remaining in the keys expiry
- RANDOMKEY:-this returns the random key
Syntax:- redis> RANDOMKEY
- TYPE:-this return the data type of the value which is stored in the key
- KEYS pattern:- this return the keys which match with the mentioned pattern | Redis | MongoDB |
1. | Key-Value store | Document type of store |
2. | The language used is C | The language used is C++ |
3. | Speed is Fast | Speed is slow |
4. | Server-side script is Lua | Server-side script is Javascript |
Following are the Redis data types:-
1. Strings:-
2. Hashes:- They represent the objects.
3. Lists:-they are the set of lines that are sorted according to the insertion order Syntax:-
4. Sets:- It is a collection of the string arranged randomly
5. Sorted Sets:-similar like the sets but here with each member, there is a score which may get repeated while the members will be unique
This particular Redis interview question explains Redis data types.