Lactic Acid Bacteria
LAB full form is Lactic Acid Bacteria, also called “Lactobacillales”, is a rod/spherical shaped bacteria that are found in decomposed dairy products, other lactic/organic acids, cereals, plants, fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish, that produces lactic acid after carbohydrate fermentation and is a popular ingredient for fermentation in food industries.
These bacteria are capable to endure highly acidic environments and because of this property they are majorly used in the food industries in the fermentation process and in making probiotic drinks, pickles, fertilizers, and functional foods that have additional benefits other than their original traits. Also, some experts believe that the acidic nature of LAB bacteria is the main cause of dental decay.
Some Others abbreviations of LAB
- Lactic Acid Bacteria
- Language Assessment Battery
- League of American Bicyclists
- Listener Advisory Board
- Language Across Borders
- Ligon Arts Boosters
- London Academy of Bartending
- Local Area Bands
- The Lounge At The Beach
- Lingle Abertzale Batzordea
- Linux Audio Board
- Lactic Acid Bath
- Latino Acting Base
- League Of American Bikepathusers
- Laboratory Accreditation Bureau