Salesforce is a company that specializes in offering CRM services to businesses that help them in using cloud technology. It is SaaS i.e. Software as a service that enables companies to help businesses to market their customers, track customer activity and avail many other services.

There are many benefits of using Salesforce

1. Ground-breaking innovation:

Salesforce mainly works about metadata, which means data about data. It helps customers to efficiently commercialize and innovate while giving the best experience to collaborators, partners, and clients.

2. Ease of Use:

The software is very easy to use even by non-technical users. The learning curve is very slight. The eased of use of requirements and extremely intuitive user experience are big benefits of using Salesforce. No coding, no technology learning- just easy-to-use SaaS.

3. Cloud Of Trust:

Here, you can’t lose any kind of information easily. This is a tension-free environment.

BY Best Interview Question ON 27 Jul 2021