Python Interview Questions and Answers

A high-level, interactive, and object-oriented scripting language, Python is a highly readable language that makes it ideal for beginner-level programmers. Here we can help you to prepare for the best Python interview questions. It uses English keywords and has fewer syntactical constructions as compared to other languages. Similar to PERL and PHP, Python is processed by the interpreter at runtime. Python supports the Object-Oriented style of programming, which encapsulates code within objects.
Python can be used for developing Websites, Web Apps, and Desktop GUI Applications. Here is a list of the most frequently asked Python Programming Interview Questions to learn more.
Quick Questions about Python | |
What is the latest version of Python? | 3.8.3 and released on May 13, 2020. |
Who has invented Python? | Guido van Rossum |
What language does Python use? | C languages |
License | Python releases have also been GPL-compatible. |
Did you know, Python is also referred to as a “batteries included” language due to its in-depth and comprehensive standard library. Our Questions on Python have been selected from a plethora of queries to help you gain valuable insights and boost your career as a Python Developer.
Most Frequently Asked Python coding interview questions
In Python, dictionaries are essential as they are incredibly flexible, and they allow any data which is given to be stored as a value. It could be anything such as primitive types like strings and decimals like floats to even more complex types like objects.
Here are some important features of Python:
- Being easy to learn, it is considered as the best language for beginner developers.
- It is an interpreted language.
- It is cross-platform in nature.
- Free and Open source
- It is based on an Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOPS)
- It has extensive in-built libraries
In Python, a self variable is used for binding the instance within the class to the instance inside the method. In this, to access the instance variables and methods, we have to explicitly declare it as the first method argument.
class Dog:
def __init__(self, breed):
self.breed = breed
def bark(self):
print(f'{self.breed} is continuously barking.')
d = Dog('German Shepherd')
German Shepherd is continuously barking.
In Python, the term monkey patching refers to the dynamic/run-time changes taking place within a class or module. Here's an example:
Note: Being one of the most sought after languages, Python is chosen by small and large organizations equally to help them tackle issues. Our list of Python Coding Interview Questions shall help you crack an interview in organizations using Python while making you a better Python Developer.
import monk
def monkey_f(self):
print "monkey_f() is being called"
monk.A.func = monkey_f
obj = monk.A()
monkey_f() is being called
PEP in Python stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. The PEP 8 is basically Python’s style guide. It helps in writing code to specific rules making it helpful for large codebases having multiple writers by bringing a uniform and predictive writing style.
In order to share global variables across different modules within a single program, you need to create a special module. After that, just import the config module in all of the modules of your application. This will make the module available as a global variable across all the modules.
A Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on the "Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions". Werkzeug and jingja are its dependencies. Because a Flask is part of the micro-framework, it has little or no dependencies on the external libraries. A Flask also makes the framework light while taking little dependency and gives fewer security bugs.
Note: These python programming interview questions have been designed specially to get you familiar with the nature of questions.
Tuples | Lists |
Items in a tuple are surrounded by a parenthesis () | Items are surrounded in square brackets [ ] |
They are immutable in nature | Lists are by nature immutable |
There are 33 available methods in it. | There are 46 methods here. |
Keys can be created using Tuples. | No, keys can’t be created using these |
Python is an interpreted language. It runs directly from the source code and converts the source code into an intermediate language. This intermediate language is translated into machine language and has to be executed.
From itertools import islice
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
iterator = islice(l, 5)
for item in iterator:
print item
- Similar to PERL and PHP, Python is processed by the interpreter at runtime. Python supports the Object-Oriented style of programming, which encapsulates code within objects.
- Derived from other languages, such as ABC, C, C++, Modula-3, SmallTalk, Algol-68, Unix shell, and other scripting languages.
- Python is copyrighted, and its source code is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- Supports the development of many applications, from text processing to games.
- Works for scripting, embedded code, and compiled the code.
- Detailed