PHP String Functions
A string is basically a collection of characters. It is a data type in PHP. A function in PHP is a unit of code that returns a value based on an input or parameter and processing based on the codes.
Functions are basically a set of in a string that is used to manipulate this data type for different uses and requirements. Common PHP String functions include strrev()
, strpos()
, str_replace()
and many more. The basic need of a string function is to help in completing specific tasks relating to a string. It could be reversing, replacing or even searching for text within strings.
PHP String functions are used to manipulate strings in order to perform a specific task/function when the user has given input. This is one of the most commonly used functions in PHP and if you are aspiring for a job as an SDE in PHP, learning string functions is a must.
Below is a list of the most commonly asked interview questions regarding String functions in PHP. Have a look or even download it in PDF format to read it later.
Most Frequently Asked PHP String Functions
With the help of implode() function in PHP, we can convert arrays into strings. It returns the string.
$arr = array("Best", "Interview", "Question");
echo implode(" ",$arr);
Best Interview Question
To check empty string in PHP, we can use the empty() function.
// True
} else {
// False