Nurse Practitioner Interview Questions

This pandemic makes us realize the importance of healthcare workers whether they are doctors, nurses, or any social worker who works for the hospital. Therefore, need for healthcare workers is tremendously increasing. In the US today, there are about 240,000 nurse practitioners employed. However, there is still the interview issue. Yes, to step into this room you must open the door of the nurse practitioner interview.
These days patients prefer nurses as they can easily get appointments and get more time, care, and special attention from nurse practitioners than from primary care doctors. Why a nurse practitioner career could be a bright one because jobs related to it are one of the highest-paying jobs in the healthcare sector. And this field will grow by 26 percent between the period of 2018 and 2028. More than 62,000 new roles for nurse practitioners will emerge i.e., 520 new nurses will join healthcare every single month. No matter where you stand in your career journey, working as a nurse practitioner will change your career and make a real difference in your life. But before that, you need to impress your future enquirer and demonstrate to them your knowledge skills, and passion for this field. Interviews can be tricky for this field as you must show not only good clinical and medical knowledge but also a unique personality that works in stressful situations. These nurse practitioner interview questions will help you identify the skills, abilities, and prowess that a nurse practitioner must have to dig the interview.
Most Frequently Asked Nurse Practitioner Interview Questions
Your interviewer asks this question to understand where you get motivated for this career and your commitment to your job. You need to tell a story that led you to nurse.
"During my college years, I became aware of the position of nurse practitioner and felt immediately that it was the ideal role I had been searching for. From childhood, I wanted to serve people with proper care and treatment if they needed it. I realized that nursing is of particular interest to me, so I have decided to earn my license in this field. I will be happy that I can support patients and work as a part of the healthcare team that provides intense care to each patient."
Antibiotics are thought to be able to treat any illness, whether it be bacterial or viral, according to modern mythology. In addition to getting a sense of your approach to drug prescription and patient education, the interviewer wants to know how you would respond in a similar circumstance.
When a patient requests unnecessary antibiotics, I make sure to determine whether the illness is viral or bacterial. If it turns out to be a viral infection, I will inform them about the distinction between a viral and bacterial infection as well as the fact that antibiotics cannot treat a viral infection. If a bacterial infection is determined to be the cause, I will discuss the negative consequences of antibiotic resistance.
While physicians and nurses can assist in managing pain, certain patients may not always respond well to painkillers due to serious injuries or diseases. This NP interview question will show your knowledge of administering and prescribing pain medications.
- Reassured them that the recommended dose has already been given to them.
- Will let them understand next dose could be given only in a certain period.
- If pain is intolerable, I would go for some physical therapies such as heat or cold packs, massage, etc.
- Let them know about the food which can make the pain worse.
- Talk to them to distract them from pain.
When it comes to our loved one's health, we are all worried. Patients occasionally forget what is spoken to them or choose not to follow instructions. In these cases, the family is helpless and sometimes their concern comes out in the form of anger toward nurses and doctors.
- I will try to address each of their concern and will provide them with educational materials if possible.
- I will remind them that patient is treated with the best medications and best treatment.
- Discuss the treatment plan with them so that they do not expect results in an unrealistic amount of time.
- Will be polite and offer to get them a drink.
It is time to check your honesty and if you can stay calm in stressful situations. Show your interviewer that you are comfortable doing challenges.
- This field faces challenges every day but what I found most challenging is when a patient ignored medical advice and rely on something that they found on the internet or heard from any of their friend or coworker. Half knowledge is very dangerous but some of them do not get this.
- Second challenge that I found is to work with the patients who are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. Such patient needs the emotional support of a doctor or a nurse.
Rules are very necessary and made for a reason in any healthcare department. The hiring manager is checking your professionalism and if you can take action when you know a colleague is not serious about their health.
- I will address them quickly and tell them it can increase the risk of illness or any injury.
- It could happen that it was a mistake, and a simple reminder will work in that situation.
- I would ask my senior if in case additional action is required.
- I will organize a training session that will tell the importance of following health-related safety standards.
- Because it’s a matter of the patient’s health I will check on that colleague that he/she is not repeating the mistake.
As a nurse practitioner, you must have leadership and working skills. For a good leader, you must prove your worth to the physician team and gain their trust.
- Being a good listener always helps you to gain the trust and respect of the people.
- Ask them valid questions to show your interest and dedication to your role.
- Prepare a patient care plan and ask them if the plan needs some improvement.
- Always follow health-related safety standards to ensure the safety of patients.
- Learn from your mistakes if happened.
I am aware that stress is part of this job and aware of the fact that a patient’s health comes first no matter what. Following the below tips could help me to cope up with stress-
- Manage my diet by eating healthy vegetables, fruits, and a protein-rich diet.
- Finding time for exercise could be difficult on stressful days but time for stretching could be taken out.
- Nursing is a full-day job but everybody takes time to recharge. I will do this by going for a small walk, taking a power nap, sipping a cup of coffee, etc.
- Communicate clearly as misunderstanding causes rework and that causes stress.
Reporting unethical actions and properly dealing with them is a valuable trait of a candidate. This will show the importance of maintaining ethics in the workplace.
- Will be calm and will not jump to conclusions directly.
- I will identify all the risks associated with those actions.
- Would try to know the reason behind this behavior.
- Will ask that member not to do it as it is affecting other team members and patients.
- Seek advice from my mentor before taking any tough step.
- Will not gossip about it and report it immediately to the health care team.
A hospital's reputation is totally in the hand of its patients and that’s why their satisfaction is an important factor to measure that. And patient satisfaction directly comes from their health outcomes which are linked to the exceptional care they have been provided with.
- By building personal relationships (if required).
- Acknowledge their feelings by using the words “I can understand” or “I know how you feel”.
- Exceptional care of patients always requires their family or loved ones.
- Include them in their care plan and show positive outcomes.
- By addressing their physical needs so that they feel comfortable.
If you already got a license and a call for this interview you are great and already put a lot of effort to earn a nurse practitioner title. You just need to show your hiring manager the same. By taking help from the above nurse practitioner interview questions and answers you will increase the chances of landing the job and ensure your career is moving in the right direction.