Neo4j interview questions and Answers

Last updated on Mar 17, 2022
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Neo4j interview questions

Most Frequently Asked Neo4j interview questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Neo4j interview questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What is object Cache in Neo4J?

In Neo4j, the object cache caches individual relationships and nodes and respectively their properties in a form which is optimized for traversal of the graph. Here contents of this cache are objects with a representation geared towards the Neo4j supporting object API and graph traversals.

Q12. Explain neo4j index?

In Neo4j, an index is a redundant copy of data in the database purposed of making related data searches more efficient. It comes with the cost of additional storage space and slower writes, so deciding what to index and what not to is a crucial and often non-trivial task for users.

Q13. Write steps for neo4j installation?
Q14. What is match command in neo4j and why it is used?

The MATCH command allows developers to specify patterns that Neo4j will search for in the database. This is the original way of getting data into the current set of buildings. It’s often paired with a WHERE clause which predicates or adds restrictions to the MATCH command.

Q15. List some neo4j commands?
  • Neo4j CQL MATCH command – used to get data about nodes and properties



           <node-name >:<label-name>


  • Delete all nodes and relationships command:


Q16. How to create a new database in neo4j?

To create a new database in Neo4j without removing your existing one, users can directly edit the neo4j.conf file in their conf directory of their $NEO4J_HOME. Search dbms.active_database= and replace it with your desired name and restart the program again. A new database will be created now.

Q17. How to delete node neo4j?

To delete a node in Neo4j, we have to use the DELETE clause. It also can be used to delete

relationships or paths. The syntax will be as following to delete a single node:

MATCH (n:Person { name: 'UNKNOWN' })


To delete all nodes:



Q18. How to neo4j create a node with id?
Q19. What is Cypher neo4j?
Q20. How to use set clause in neo4j?

The Set clause in Neo4j can be used to add new properties to an existing relationship or node. It can

also be used to update or add existing properties values. To set a property in a node, here is



MATCH (node:label{properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . })

SET = value


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