MySQL Interview Questions and Answers

MYSQL is one of the most successful and leading pathways toward data administration careers. You will be amazed to know that this database service holds a total of 46.83% share in the relational database market. So to make your career and prepare for interviews in this field would be a good choice. Today we will help with these interviews by providing you with some MYSQL Interview Questions and Answers. MYSQL is one of the most popular database technologies used in the database industry. Popular companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, and IBM are using this technology on a vast basis to manage and store their data. According to one survey, nowadays more than 90% of organizations are using OSDBMS i.e. Open Source Database Management System. But to handle this database, professionals must know the MYSQL programming language.
Quick Facts About MySQL | |
What is the latest version of MySQL? | 8.0.22 released in 19th October 2020 |
When was MySQL first released? | 23 May 1995 |
Who developed MySQL? | Oracle Corporation. |
What language does MySQL use? | C and C++ language |
About License | GNU Public License |
Official Website | |
MySQL Query Interview Questions
It removes Some or All rows from a table. | It removes a table from the database. | It removes all rows from a table. |
A WHERE clause is used to remove particular rows according to the matched condition. All rows will be deleted when we did not use Where condition in Query. | It does not require a WHERE clause. | It does not require a WHERE clause |
The DELETE command is Data Manipulation Language Command | The DROP command is Data Definition Language Command. | The TRUNCATE command is a Data Definition Language Command. |
The DELETE command is more sluggish as compared to the DROP, and the TRUNCATE commands as it removes the rows according to the condition. | The DROP Command offers better performance than the DELETE Command but not as in comparison to the Truncate Command since the DROP command erases all tables from databases immediately after the rows have been deleted. | The TRUNCATE command performs better that the DROP or DELETE because it removes all records from the table with no condition. |
The Integrity Constraints remain same for the DELETE command. | The Integrity Constraints disappear with this DROP command. | The Integrity Constraints are not removed from the TRUNCATE command. |
DELETE operation can be rolled back. | DROP operation cannot be rolled back. | TRUNCATE operation cannot be rolled back. |
DELETE FROM TableName WHERE condition; |
DROP TABLE table_name; |
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; |
id | first_name | middle_name | last_name | phone |
101 | Ram | Krit | Singh | 9873393635 |
102 | Lalit | Kumar | Verma | 9873393636 |
103 | Shyam | Singh | Verma | 9873393637 |
SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', middle_name, '', last_name) as name FROM `customers`;
These are most commonly used storage engines in MySQL are MyISAM and InnoDB.
Difference between MyISAM and InnoDB
- MyISAM no longer supports transactions, however, InnoDB supports transactions.
- MyISAM helps Table-level Locking, however, InnoDB supports Row-level Locking.
- MyISAM helps full-text search, however InnoDB does not.
- MyISAM is designed for the need for speed but InnoDB is designed for the most performance.
- MyISAM does now not aid overseas keys, but InnoDB helps foreign keys.
- We can use commit and rollback with InnoDB however not in MyISAM.
- MyISAM does no longer assist ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) however InnoDB supports the ACID property.
- In the InnoDB table, the AUTO_INCREMENT field is a section of the index but is now not in MyISAM.
- MyISAM stores its tables, data, and indexes in the disk area with the usage of a separate table name.FRM, desk name.MYD and table name.MYI however InnoDB stores its tables and indexes in a tablespace.
Primary Key | Unique Key |
A table can hold only one primary key | It can be more than one unique key in one table |
A Primary Key cannot be NULL. | A Unique key can have NULL. |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2022-03-24 17:32:05' AND '2022-03-25 17:32:05';
- Don't use "sp_" while creating a stored procedure.
- Don't use "*" while you are using the SELECT command. Also avoid unnecessary columns in SELECT clause.
- You can use table aliases while writing queries.
- Avoid the usage of the wildcard (%) at the starting of a predicate.
- DISTINCT and UNION need to be used solely if it is necessary.
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE 'A%';
id | name | salary | |
101 | Umesh Singh | [email protected] | 20000 |
102 | Sonu Singh | [email protected] | 10000 |
103 | Avinash | [email protected] | 7000 |
104 | Manish | [email protected] | 60000 |
105 | Rekha | [email protected] | 5000 |
106 | Shiv | [email protected] | 20000 |
SELECT name, email, min(salary) as minSalary, max(salary) as maxSalary from employee;
SELECT name, salary FROM Employee AS emp1 WHERE N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary) FROM Employee emp2 WHERE emp2.salary > emp1.salary);
Table: customers
id | name | |
101 | Umesh Singh | umesh.singh |
102 | Sonu Singh | [email protected] |
103 | Avinash | [email protected] |
104 | Manish | |
106 | Shiv | [email protected] |
SELECT * FROM `customers` WHERE `email` NOT REGEXP '^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]{2,}$';
In MYSQL Database, data is stored in tabular form and that is why we also call it a Relational Database Management System. With the help of it, users can develop an infinite number of applications but it is mainly used for web applications. Talking about platforms, it can run on various platforms like LINUX, UNIX, and WINDOWS and is reliable, fast, and very easy to use. We hope these questions will help you to clear your core concepts regarding MYSQL. Let us help you with some short and important tips which might help you with your interviews-
- MYSQL is a programming language, so always avoid YES and NO answers.
- If you don’t know the answer, simply say I don't know rather than pretending you know.
- Always carry a pen and notepad with you.
- If you are stuck somewhere don’t panic, just stay calm and think out loud.
- Go with the expectation that you will reject a lot, as “Failure is the key to Success”.