25+ Mobile Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Mar 15, 2022
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Mobile Testing Interview Questions

Mobile testing or mobile application testing is a process performed to test the functionality, consistency, and usability of an application software specially developed for different handheld devices and to support their operating systems, such as iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, etc. A thorough mobile testing process ensures that an application must best suit all the characteristics of a mobile device such as hardware & software capability, physical dimension, connectivity capability, etc.

Overviewing these Mobile Testing Interview Questions as well as individuals and the other crucial factors mentioned here can be extremely result-oriented for candidates and new learners to this niche.

Advantages of Using Mobile Testing

  • Boosts the quality of application & and receive an optimal OPEX model with cloud technology
  • Accurately gauge the application behaviors with the use of real device mobile testing
  • Receive low investment and best-targeted time-to-market with simulator testing
  • Better customer satisfaction, quality assurance and high level of security for mobile app

For those who are looking for Mobile testing interview questions, we have also included some of the questions for them. Go through it.

Most Frequently Asked Mobile Testing Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Mobile Testing Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q21. Mention few best practices for Android testing.
  • All the test cases should be stored together source code
  • While writing the code, developers should prepare the test cases at the same time.
  • Testers should avoid rooted emulators and devices.
  • Every time the code changed, use of continuous integration and test execution is necessary.
Q22. What are the common bugs found while mobile testing? Give some examples.

We, testers work to find four types of common bugs; critical, block, minor and major. To example there, a phone system crash when testing a particular feature of the device will be classified as a critical bug. The GUI bugs will be categorized as minor bugs, and functional disability of a particular feature will be submitted to a major bug list. Certain performance unavailability through the device is ON will fall into the block bug list.

These also include Mobile Testing Interview Questions that can be extremely helpful for candidates soon expecting an interview opportunity in this niche. The mobile app testers either use a real device or an Emulator/Simulator for the application testing process. Both have their unique benefits, such as using a real device for mobile testing can benefit with faster processing and most accurate results, whereas using an Emulator/Simulator can be cost-effective, less latency, user-friendly, but also gets low-reliability score due to its deniability to stimulate all types of user interactions. Mobile application testing can be performed with both automation and manual modes.

To get into complete detail of mobile testing, we are mentioning some of the important Mobile automation interview questions. Go through the questions as they will help you.

For mobile application testing, these are the few primary testing procedures mostly performed:

  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Memory Leakage Testing
  • Installation Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Usability Testing
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