MariaDB Interview Questions and Answers

MariaDB is the most popular database created by MySQL's original developers. It carries an intention to replace MYSQL as of concern of MYSQL acquisition by Oracle. MariaDB contains open source and relational database technology. As being a rational database, it provides you with the strength of storing data in various tables. Our extensive collection of MariaDB interview questions is guaranteed to help you get your dream job. Read on!
- MariaDB incorporates a wide choice of storage engines, including high-performance storage engines, for working with different RDBMS information sources.
- MariaDB utilizes a standard query language.
- MariaDB keeps running on various operating systems with a wide range of programming language..
- MariaDB supports PHP, that widely used for development.
- MariaDB gives Galera cluster technology support that is a synchronous multi-master database.
- MariaDB additionally offers numerous tasks and directions inaccessible in MySQL and dispenses with/replaces highlights affecting execution contrarily.
Looking for a new job? Do not miss to read our MariaDB interview questions and answers.
Most Frequently Asked MariaDB Interview Questions
MariaDB needs to apply PHP mysql_query function to create a database.
Basic syntax − bool mysql_query( sql, connection );
We need privileges To create or delete any database in MariaDB to root users or admins. Under this process, you have two choices for making a database − the mysqladmin binary and a PHP script.
1)SQL : This required parameter comprises of the SQL query expected to play out the operation.
2)Connection : At the point when a parameter is not determined, this optional parameter calls the most recent connection.
There are three kinds of data type-
- Numeric Data Types
- Date and Time Data Types
- String DataTypes
Selecting a database is the necessary part as many databases exist there.
We have two options to select database first using a command prompt or through a PHP script.
There are six queries
- Creating Table : In a table creation, determine its name, field names, and field definition.
- Drop Table : In this process, we delete a table these deleted tables are irrecoverable.
- Insert Table : Embeddings information into a table requires the INSERT query.
- Select Table : Select query applies on selected rows to retrieve them. It also gives different alternatives to specify the table use.
- Update Table : update query let you modify the existing data of the table by changing values.
- Delete Table : The delete query erases table row from the predefined table and returns the erased quantity.
WHERE clauses sieve various queries like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT. They represent criteria used to determine activity. They are visible after a table name, and their condition follows. The WHERE clause equally crucial like statements.
Qualities of the WHERE clause –
- It is an alternative.
- It enables any condition to be specified.
- It provides the specification of various conditions.
- It's a Case sensitivity only applies to statements using LIKE comparisons.
The LIKE clause includes a wide range of matching patterns, In this situation where it needs multiple results with shared characteristics. The patterns used for matches numbers of characters (0 or more) is percentile (%) and hyphen (-) as a single character.
It helps to sort the results of queries. It specifies the data in an operating order along with data sorting options in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. By default, it provides ascending order on the mission of order placements. ORDER BY clauses contains a wide range of statements such as DELETE and UPDATE. ORDER BY clauses works on final result of a table that is why they come at the end of a statement instead of in a subquery or earlier function set.