LINQ Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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LINQ Interview Questions

LINQ is an abbreviated form of Language -integrated Quer. It is an innovation that is used to bridge the gap between two platforms, namely Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET framework. There is a number of LINQ queries that are used to retrieve data from the data sources. In this, blog, we are providing a collection of LINQ interview questions that will help you in cracking interviews. Traditionally, the queries against data can be expressed in the form of simple strings without supporting IntelliSense. Likewise, users can use the coding patterns for the purpose of transforming data in XML documents, ADO.NET datasets, .NET collections, SQL databases and another format for which LINQ provider is available. We are providing a vast collection of LINQ interview questions, which will help you in achieving success factors.

Most Frequently Asked LINQ Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked LINQ Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What are compiled queries in LINQ?

A compiled query in LINQ is actually a cached version of the original query which is used to get similar results. After writing the query, for the first time it is parsed for any errors in LINQ and then converted into its SQL version and finally added as cache.

Q12. What is PLINQ and how it is different from LINQ?

PLINQ stands for Parallel LINQ which is a query execution engine that drives and manages their operations on the top of the managed environment of .NET.

Q13. What is LINQ and why it is used?

LINQ is an abbreviated form of Language Integrated Query, which is a part of the language used to used provide seamless and consistent access to a number of data sources such as XML and databases. LINQ is categorized into three varieties namely LINQ (C#), LINQ providers (LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects), and data sources (collections, SQL and XML)

LINQ is used to make the code readable and compact and it is used to query different types of data sources. likewise, it is familiar language, required less coding, readable code, compile-time safety, IntelliSense support and shaping up of data support.

Q14. What is the difference between SQL and LINQ?

Following is the difference between SQL and LINQ queries-

1. SQL- The main return type of local variable that holds query in SQL is IQueryable. Moreover, it is a Structured Query Language used for the manipulation of data.

2. LINQ- The main return type of local variable that holds query in LINQ is IEnumerable. Moreover, it translates the query into equivalent SQL queries and sends them for processing to the server.

Q15. What is the difference between the Take and Skip clause in LINQ?

Following are the difference between TAKE and SKIP clause

1. Take clause- Take clause in LINQ is used to return a specific number of elements.

2. Skip clause- Skip clause is used to skip the specified number of elements in the query and return rest all of the present elements.

Q16. What is an Anonymous function in LINQ?
The anonymous function in LINQ is a function which is used once and for a limited number of times. This function is not bound to an identifier. With the help of anonymous function number of functions are created which have no specified time.
Q17. What is deferred execution in Linq?

In LINQ, a Deferred Execution basically means that there is a delay in the evaluation of an expression and shall be realized only when the user needs it.

Q18. What are the difference between Conversion Operator ToDictionary and IEnumerable of LINQ?
ToDictionary IEnumerable
Type of Conversion Operator Also, a kind of Conversion Operator.
It is the instance of Dictionary (k, T) This is an object as a source sequence that is returned to the user via the AsEnumerable operator.
Q19. What is the difference between N-layer and N-tier architecture?
N-Layer N-Tier
All the layers may reside on the same physical computers(server) while the components in different layers communicate via well-defined interfaces. In this type of architecture, there are at least three separate logical parts, each located on a different physical server.
Communication between layers is explicit and loosely coupled. In this, communication between the tiers is asynchronous to support scalability.
Q20. What are entity classes in LINQ?

Entity classes are the fundamental building blocks of systems developed on LINQ. In this, the entity classes, which are basically an object wrapper for any database table, have a stereotype of the entity.

Advantages of LINQ
  • Unified data access (Single syntax to learn)
  • Strongly typed (During completion automatically catch errors)
  • IntelliSense (Prompt attributes and syntax)
  • Bind-able result sets
  • Allows debugging through the .NET debugger
  • Type checking at compile time
Disadvantages of LINQ
  • Not suitable to write complex queries like SQL
  • It does not support SQL features such as cached execution
  • Performance degraded if the query is incorrect
  • In order to incorporate changes in query, you need to recompile and redeploy it

The LINQ interview questions that most probably asked during the interview are providing in this blog that will help you in order to achieve the desired goals.

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