Top Laravel Interview Questions and Answers

Laravel is a highly regarded PHP framework used for web application development. It has gained significant popularity in the industry mainly because of its features, such as its simplicity, elegance, and robustness.
As per Builtwith, 1,729,522 have used Laravel technology, and there are 702,811 live websites worldwide. Regarding India, 20,002 websites currently use Laravel in India. As a result, the demand for talented Laravel developers is continuously increasing and is projected to rise further.
If you have to appear for an interview for a Laravel developer position, you've come to the right place. Here, we provide a comprehensive list of Laravel interview questions and answers that would help you prepare for your next interview. By familiarizing yourself with these questions, you can enhance your knowledge and confidence and gain a competitive edge in the job market. So, let's dive in and excel in your Laravel career journey!
Quick Facts About Laravel | |
What is the latest version of Laravel? | 10.0, released on February 14th, 2023. |
When was Laravel first released? | June 2011. |
Laravel is Created By | Taylor Otwell |
What language does Laravel use? | PHP |
Which is the best IDE for Laravel? | Netbeans, PhpStorm, Atom, Sublime Text |
Laravel Developer Interview Questions (2024)
- What is Laravel and how does it differ from other PHP frameworks?
- What are the key features of Laravel?
- What is the importance of Composer in Laravel?
- What are Service Providers and how do they work in Laravel?
- What is the purpose of Facades in Laravel?
- What is the difference between Eloquent and Query Builder in Laravel?
- What is a Middleware in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the purpose of Artisan in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the difference between a Repository and a Service in Laravel?
- How do you implement caching in Laravel?
- How do you handle errors and exceptions in Laravel?
- What is a Service Container in Laravel and how is it used?
- How do you implement Authentication and Authorization in Laravel?
- What are Laravel Contracts and how are they used?
- How do you create and use Events and Listeners in Laravel?
- What is the purpose of Queues in Laravel and how are they implemented?
- How do you implement Localization in Laravel?
- What is a Trait in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the difference between CSRF and XSS attacks in Laravel?
- How do you optimize the performance of a Laravel application?
Laravel Interview Questions for 5 years experience
Laravel is believed to be a very adaptable application creation PHP framework. This is due in large part to the features of Laravel that include two-way binding of data as well as quick and easy transitions, unit testing integration with messaging applications, as well as many other features.
- Easy Installation
- Database Migration
- Supports MVC Architecture
- Traffic Management
- Robust Security Features
- Modular Design
- Object-Oriented Libraries
- Cloud Storage Option
- Host of Libraries
It is one of the most frequently asked questions in Laravel advanced interview questions. So, prepare yourself! The answer to this is Laravel 10 is the latest version of Laravel and was released on February 14, 2023.
Some key new features of Laravel 10 include Native PHP types, Laravel Pennant, a new process abstraction layer, and improved security. Other features include routing, caching, authentication, database migration, ORM (Eloquent), Blade templating engine, queue management, and artisan command-line interface. Laravel's new features enhance web application performance, security, and functionality.
This is another important question in Laravel interview questions for 5 years of experience. Laravel uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, a core architectural pattern. Within Laravel, the MVC pattern is crucial in organizing code and separating distinct aspects of application logic. This separation enhances manageability and maintainability.
- Model: The Model component represents the data and encompasses its business logic.
- View: The View component presents the user interface that enables interaction with the data.
- Controller: The Controller component handles user requests, interacts with the Model to perform required actions or retrieve data, and ultimately renders the appropriate View to visualize and interact with.
By applying the MVC pattern, Laravel ensures a clear distinction between these three components, promoting a more structured and scalable development approach.
Laravel 10 supports a variety of databases, allowing developers to choose the one that best suits their project requirements. The databases supported by Laravel 10 include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.3+ (Version Policy), SQLite and SQL Server.
Laravel's database layer is designed to utilize the PDO (PHP Data Objects) library, allowing it to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of databases supported by PDO. This flexibility enables developers to connect Laravel with other databases, such as Oracle, IBM DB2, etc., by configuring the database connection settings accordingly.
You can create a constants.php page in the config folder if does not exist. Now you can put a constant variable with value here and can use it with
return [
'ADMINEMAIL' => '[email protected]',
Now we can display with
Our first step should be
After our query, it should be placed
$querieslog = DB::getQueryLog();
After that, it should be placed
$result = Blog:where(['status' => 1])->get();
$log = DB::getQueryLog();
Reverse routing in the laravel means the process that is used to generate the URLs which are based on the names or symbols. URLs are being generated based on their route declarations.
With the use of reverse routing, the application becomes more flexible and provides a better interface to the developer for writing cleaner codes in the View.
Route:: get(‘list’, ‘blog@list’);
{{ HTML::link_to_action('blog@list') }}
Middleware in laravel works as a platform among the request and the response. It provides the mechanism for investigating the HTTP requests which are entering into your application. For instance, middleware in laravel ensures that the user of your particular application is authenticated. If they found that the user is not authenticated, it will redirect the user to the main login page of the application.
Example: If a user is not authenticated and it is trying to access the dashboard then, the middleware will redirect that user to the login page.
In Laravel, {{ $username }} and {!! $username !!} displays dynamic content within a Blade template. However, they have different behaviors depending on the context in which they are used.
{{ $username }} is used to display escaped output. This means that any special characters in the variable's value, such as HTML tags or JavaScript code, will be converted to their corresponding HTML entities to prevent them from being interpreted as code. This is done to help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, where malicious code is injected into a web page.
{!! $username !!} is used to display unescaped output. This means the variable's value will be displayed exactly as it is, without any special characters being converted to HTML entities. This is useful when displaying HTML markup or other special characters.
However, using unescaped output can be risky, especially if the variable's value comes from user input. It can make your application vulnerable to XSS attacks. Therefore, you should always sanitize user input before displaying it on a web page and use the escaped output ({{ $variable }}) by default unless you have a good reason to use the unescaped output ({!! $variable !!}).
This is highly recommended you go through all these laravel interview questions twice or thrice before going to an interview. Also, try to give an example of every question wherever possible. This will add a bonus point to your plate and shows your expertise in laravel coding. Also, make sure your answers should not be lengthy or sounds like a boring story. Keep your answers short and clear with the help of examples.