Top 10 Kotlin Interview questions
If you are about to attend the Kotlin interview it is highly recommended that you go through the advanced Kotlin interview questions for your reference. Kotlin is one of the latest JVM programming languages and Google has also declared it is the official language for Android development aligned with Java. It is also suitable for developing server-side applications through which a developer can build and execute expressive coding. Kotlin also supports Android application development functioning hence there is a wide range of scope learning the same. If you are looking for a parcel of opportunities from all across the organization then polish your skills and consider the resources.
- This language is quite similar to Java hence it is quite easy to learn
- This application can be used on various devices and desktops. it also includes web service and mobile phones
- Kotlin refers to a functional language which is entirely based upon Java Virtual Machine, it helps in code optimization.
Kotlin supports multiple programming paradigms, such as internal, object-oriented, and functional programming. Our collection of Kotlin Interview Questions shall help you to understand the basics of this language.
Android kotlin interview questions and answers
Basically, strings refer to a collection of various characters altogether. There are two types of strings present in Kotlin which are-
- Raw strings
- Escaped strings
Under these strings, templates can also be evaluated easily and this evaluation is known by term as string template interpolation.
Data types are the instances of consonants or variables tending to decide the type of variable. It also specifies the space required for the storage of these variables.
The data types are-
- Numbers
- Characters
- Strings
- Arrays
- Booleans
Note: This is one of the significant kotlin interview questions asked in most interviews.
There are two types of constructors in Kotlin which are-
- Primary constructor- It is a specific section of class header and mostly it is always declared after the class name.
- Secondary constructor- This section of the constructor is always declared inside the class.
Inline Functions
Used to prevent the object allocations for the functions or lambda expressions that have been called.
Infix Functions
It is used for calling functions without any parentheses or brackets.
If you give default values to all the primary constructor values, you shall automatically create an empty constructor for data class.
For example, if you have a data class like this:
data class Activity(
var updated_on: String,
var tags: List
var description: String,
var user_id: List
And you want to initialize the data class with an empty constructor, all you have to do is assign the default values to all the primary constructors, like this:
data class Activity(
var updated_on: String = "",
var tags: List
var description: String = "",
var user_id: List
Here’s how to initialize an array in Kotlin.
val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
In Kotlin, you should use var where the value of the variable is changing very frequently. A good example would be getting the location of an android device: var integerVariable : Int? = null
Whereas, Val should be used in a case where there would be no change of value throughout the whole class. For example, setting the value of text view or maybe a button’s text through code:
val stringVariables : String = "Button's Final Text"
Here is the best way to create a singleton class in Kotlin:
enum class Singleton {
In Kotlin, if you need to write a code for a function that can be called without a class instance but it needs access to the internals of a class, you can use a companion object declaration in that specific class.
class EventsManager {
companion object FirebasesManager {
val firebasesManager = EventsManager.FirebasesManager
Null safety, also known as void safety is a guarantee that no object references shall have null or void values.
Nullable types in Kotlin are a type of reference which are declared by putting a “?” behind the String.
kotlin android interview questions have always helped the experience’s to build their career in Kotlin's development and functioning. The references are incredibly marked for students to grow their careers exponentially with reputed organizations. Kotlin is preferred as a general-purpose programming language which is also a cross-platform service having type interference. Using Kotlin is convenient and safe to use and code also it is interoperable. Due to its utility, most of the organizations are actively hiring Kotlin professionals. This article actively contains Android kotlin Interview Questions who are willing to build their career in Kotlin.