JSF Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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JSF Interview Questions

JSF is known as Java Server Faces, and it is an MVC web-based framework. It mainly simplifies User Interface (UI) construction for server-based applications. The UI components are reusable in a page in JSF. It provides a set of standard UI components and gives an Application Programming Interface (API) for the developing elements. All the popular JSF interview questions and answers have been put together which will be handy if you want to crack an interview.

Advantages of JSF
  • The UI components of JSF are reusable.
  • JSF allows transferring data quickly between the UI components.
  • The efforts of creating and maintaining applications are reduced by JSF.
  • UI state is managed across multiple server requests.
  • The architecture of JSF is easy to use by the developers.
  • In JSF a clear separation is there between behavior and presentation.

These top JSF Interview Questions will be helpful in clearing job interviews and getting a promotion at work.

JSF majorly provides:
  • A set of core libraries.
  • A set of UI components- HTML input elements.
  • JSF has multiple rendering capabilities which enable JSF UI components to render them that depends differently on the client types.
  • The base UI components are extended to make additional UI component libraries or existing extended components.

Most Frequently Asked JSF Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked JSF Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What is the use of JSF life cycle?

The JSF life cycle begins when the client makes an HTTP request for a particular page. It generally ends when there is a server respond with the page. This life cycle is divided into two primary phases: Execute Phase and Render Phase.

Q12. List the new features of JSF 2.0?
The new features of JSF 2.0 are:
  • A mechanism is provided which can easily access persistent store.
  • Page loading action is there in JSF 2.0.
  • Standard HTML Renderkit has strategic additions like a tree, data picker, file upload components, and tab view.
  • It gives allowance for partial tree transversal.
  • Build the tree and render the tree processes are two different lifecycle phases.
Q13. What is the difference between struts2 and JSF?
The difference between struts2 and JSF are:
S.no Struts2 JSF
1. It is an action based framework. It is a component-based framework.
2. It is accessible to tag libraries because the component is less. It has a lot of component libraries.
3. The action framework in struts2 is thinner. The component framework in JSF is not thin.
Q14. What is managed bean and backing bean in JSF?

Managed Bean: It is a basic bean java class of JSF. This java bean is being managed by the JSF framework. It consists of getter and setter methods and business logic. Managed beans generally work for UI component as a model. It can be easily accessed from the JSF page. Backing Bean: It is a subpart of the managed bean. It contains all the properties of UI components in a JSF page.

This bean is used in UI conversion, component validations, and event handling. Almost all the features of UI components binds with a backing bean in JSF page.

Q15. What is Resource bundling in JSF?

Resource Bundling mainly stores the UI date, label, status messages, and UI textual elements separately in the properties file and does not do any hardcoding in the page. It is one of the most convenient methods. Resource bundles are stored in .inproperties file extension because they are key-value pair of strings. This maintenance keeps the messages in a single place.

Q16. Explain @ViewScoped, @SessionScoped, @CustomScoped and @RequestScoped annotations?

@ViewScoped: -As long as the user is interacting with a similar JSF view, the beans are alive. It is usually created on an HTTP request. The bean gets destroyed when the user post-backs to a different view.

@SessionScoped:- Beans are there as long as HTTP session lives. This gets created with the first HTTP request. This bean is destroyed when the HTTP session is invalidated.

@CustomScoped:- This bean is there when it enters in the map of custom. It is created for a particular scope live.

@RequestScoped: -Beans are there as long as the HTTP request-response lives. This usually gets created when an HTTP is requested. It gets destroyed when the HTTP request is over.

Q17. List some of the attributes of <h:form> tag in JSF?

The attributes of tag in JSF are accepted, class, enctype, id, lang, rendered, onclick and onsubmit.

Q18. Which tag is used to upload a file on the website in JSF?

The tag which is used to upload a file on the website in JSF is . JSF uses HTML element of file type. This tag is used for the file to get it as input.

Q19. What is the difference between JSF and JSP?
The difference between JSF and JSP are:
1. The full form of JSF is Java Server Faces, and it is a web-based application. The full form of JSP is Java Server Pages, and it is a Java-based technology.
2. The file extension of JSF is .jsf The file extension of JSP is .jsp
3. In JSF the tag attributes are dynamic in nature and are mapped automatically. Tag attributes have to be declared in the TSD file.
Q20. Explain different types of JSF events?
The different types of JSF events are:
  • Post Construct Application Event:- It fires when the application begins. It is used for performing tasks related to initialization after an application has started.
  • Pre Destroy Application Event:- It fires when an application is about to close. It performs all kinds of clean-up tasks before the application gets closed.
  • PreRender View Event:- It fires when the JSF page is about to get displayed. It is used for user authentication. It gives restricted access to JSF view.
Development History

JSF was developed in the year 2001 and was written in Java.

All the popular JSF interview questions and answers have been put together which will be handy if you want to crack an interview. This will be helpful in clearing job interviews and getting a promotion at work.

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