JSF Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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JSF Interview Questions

JSF is known as Java Server Faces, and it is an MVC web-based framework. It mainly simplifies User Interface (UI) construction for server-based applications. The UI components are reusable in a page in JSF. It provides a set of standard UI components and gives an Application Programming Interface (API) for the developing elements. All the popular JSF interview questions and answers have been put together which will be handy if you want to crack an interview.

Advantages of JSF
  • The UI components of JSF are reusable.
  • JSF allows transferring data quickly between the UI components.
  • The efforts of creating and maintaining applications are reduced by JSF.
  • UI state is managed across multiple server requests.
  • The architecture of JSF is easy to use by the developers.
  • In JSF a clear separation is there between behavior and presentation.

These top JSF Interview Questions will be helpful in clearing job interviews and getting a promotion at work.

JSF majorly provides:
  • A set of core libraries.
  • A set of UI components- HTML input elements.
  • JSF has multiple rendering capabilities which enable JSF UI components to render them that depends differently on the client types.
  • The base UI components are extended to make additional UI component libraries or existing extended components.

Most Frequently Asked JSF Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked JSF Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q1. How can you call multiple listeners in JSF?

When there is a need to attach multiple listeners, a JSF tag for value change listeners and the action listeners are used to attach more than one listener to the element. When you make use of the tag syntax, you specify the class which implements the listener interface.

Q2. What are facelet JSF tags?

JSF provides special tags in order to create a standard layout of a web application called Facelets tags. These tags provide a flexible approach to manage common parts of the multiple pages in one place. You need to make use of the following namespaces in the URL HTML mode: Xmls- “http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml.”

Q3. What is render kit in JSF?

The Render kit refers to the collection of a renderer which renders the Java faces. These are kits specialized for some clients to perform specific purposes. A typical Java server renders more than one renderkit instances applications.

Q4. Can we have more than one faces-config.xml files in JSF?
Yes, there can be many faces in config.xml files in JSF.
Q5. Explain the different types of validations in JSF?
Q6. What is the standard JSF tag library?

JSF provides a standard HTML tag library. These tags are rendered into the corresponding HTML tag.

Q7. Explain the difference between JSF 1.0vs.JSF 2.0?
S.no JSF 1.0 JSF 2.0
1. It is the first release of the JSF specifications It is the second release of the JSF specifications
2. Does not support the usage of annotations JSF 2 supports the ajax features
3. The API had a lot of bugs It is totally redesigned and used as an MVC framework.
Q8. Explain value expression and method expressions in JSF?

The Value expression usually fetches a value or a set of values. These expressions can be categorized into rvalue and Ivalue expressions. The Ivalue expressions can read as well as write data whereas on the other hand rvalue expression can only read the data.

The method expression allows the users to involve a public method of the bean which returns the result that is important for validation of the data component and for handling the events.

Q9. What is JSF? Explain

The full form of JSF is Java Server Faces. This is a server-side component based on the user interface framework. It is mainly used for developing web applications. It gives a programming model which is well-defined. It has rich API and tag libraries. JSF 2 is the latest version which is using Facelets as a default templating system.

Q10. Why is JSF used for?

The primary purpose of JSF is to make the construction process of the user interface simple. This UI is used for server-based applications, and the components can be reusable in a page. It connects the UI widgets with data sources. It provides the standard UI components and API (Application Programming Interface) majorly for developing components.

Development History

JSF was developed in the year 2001 and was written in Java.

All the popular JSF interview questions and answers have been put together which will be handy if you want to crack an interview. This will be helpful in clearing job interviews and getting a promotion at work.

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