Java 8 Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Java 8 Interview Questions

JAVA is an open-source object-oriented programming language that is secure and robust. JAVA is the language that can run on all the platforms which support JAVA without recompilation. More than 3 billion devices run on Java. JAVA is used for developing Mobile applications, Desktop applications, Web servers, and application servers etc.JAVA was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems now ORACLE in the year 1995.

The Java 8 interview questions we are mentioning below will help you to gain enough of the knowledge about Fortran.

Advantages Of Java 8
  • Introduction of Lambda Expression- first step to functional programming
  • New stream API to supports pipeline processing.
  • Optional − Emphasis on handling null values properly.
  • Nashorn Engine- Provides better performance than Rhino javascript engine.
What is JAVA 8? JAVA 8 is one of the versions of JAVA programming which was released on March 18, 2014.
Latest Version Java SE 1317th September 2019
Developed By Sun Microsystems
Designed By James Gosling

Most Frequently Asked Java 8 Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Java 8 Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q1. What is the difference between intermediate and terminal operations?
Answer Intermediate Terminal
1. The intermediate operation produces stream pipelining Terminal operation terminate the pipeline
2. Intermediate operations can be chained multiple times on a stream Terminal operations cannot be chained various times.
3. Intermediate operations cannot be evaluated independently; it needs a terminal operation for evaluation. Terminal Operations can be evaluated independently.
Q2. What is the purpose of functional interface in Java 8?

Functional interfaces are those interfaces that have a single functionality.

  • CompareTo--- This interface is only for comparison purposes.
  • Function---this interface accepts only one argument and gives the result.
  • This interface means that an object is tested to be either true or false.
Q3. What are the new features in Java 8?
New features introduced in Java 8 are:-
  • Introduction of Lambda Expression- first step to functional programming
  • New stream API to support pipeline processing.
  • Optional − Emphasis on handling null values properly.
  • Nashorn Engine- Provides better performance than Rhino javascript engine.
Q4. What is a Java Lambda Expression?

Lamba expression is considered as the most significant feature of Java8. A Lambda expression provides functional programming, and that has simplified the code to a great extent. A lambda expression is fundamentally a function which can be created without belonging to any class.

Q5. What is method reference in Java 8?

Method references support in pointing to the methods by their names. A method reference is denoted by using "::" symbol. A method reference is used to indicate the following methods

  • Static methods
  • Instance methods
  • Constructors using new operator (TreeSet::new)

This is a fundamental question in java 8 interview questions.

Q6. What do you mean by of String::valueOf expression in Java 8?

The valueOf() method converts data into human-readable form.So String valueOf() will return the string representation of the value. The valueOf() method is a static method.

  • String valueOf(inum)--this syntax will return the string representation of the integer inum.
  • String.valueOf(data, 0, 5)-- This syntax will return the string representation of the character Array 0 to 5
  • String.valueOf(fNum) --this syntax will return the string representation of the float fNum
Q7. What is Optional in Java 8?

In java there a NullPointerException which can crash the code. It is complicated to remove the null checks from the code. Java 8 introduced Optional class in java. util package. Use of Optional class results in clean code without null checks. By using the Optional class, the programmer can specify the other value or other code to return. This makes the code more readable.

Q8. What is the use of default method in interface?

The default method implementation was introduced by Java 8 so that the old interfaces can use the lambda expression without implementing the methods in the implementation class.



public interface interview {

        default void print() {




Q9. What is the syntax and characteristics of a Lambda Expression in JAVA 8?

The syntax for the Lambda expression is:-

parameter -> expression body

Characteristics of the Lambda Expression:-
  • No need to declare the parameter type as the compiler will get the standard by the value of the parameter.
  • For the multiple parameters parenthesis has to be declared, but for the simple parameter, parenthesis need not be declared.
  • If a contains only a single parameter, then there is no need of curly braces.
Q10. Define Nashorn in Java8.

Along with Java 8, a new improved engine Nashorn was introduced. Nashorn gives very high performance because it straightaway compiles the program code in the memory and then passes the bytecode to JVM. It uses the invoke dynamics feature of Java 7 to improve the performance.

What is JAVA 8?

JAVA 8 is one of the versions of JAVA programming language which was released on March 18, 2014. Java8 provides supports for functional programming, new JavaScript engine Nashorn, new APIs for the date and time manipulation, new streaming API, etc. Now the coding has become simple.

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