Hybrid apps development Interview Questions and Answers

Most Frequently Asked Hybrid apps development Interview Questions
The ANR or Application Not Responding is a dialog box that appears when an application doesn’t respond for more than 10 seconds. The dialog box gives users the option of whether wait till the app finish its running or to close the app.
Scoping for a hybrid mobile app starts with a long, hard review at the device as mobile devices offer different screen size, form factors, resolution, functionality and computing power. The developer has to understand the invention and how it can be used to achieve the best advantages while ensuring excellent user experience.
A mobile app will be notified whenever the operating system moves the apps between background and foreground. The operating system has to bound the environment run off a mobile application to improve the battery statistics.
This will also help with improving the user experience with the foreground app.
This is a good question concerning hybrid apps interview questions and answers.
The best developer and business preferred hybrid mobile app frameworks are as following: Ionic, PhoneGap, Accelerator Titanium, Kendo UI, Intel X DX, and Mobile Angular UI.
A native mobile application has the following disadvantages compared to a hybrid mobile app:
- Difficulty while testing new functionality
- Even small changes in a native mobile app require a recompile which slows up the whole development process
- Calls between interpreted and native environment could end up blocking UI thread.
PhoneGap is a library which exposes native mobile phone functionalities as JavaScript API. After Adobe overtaking PhoneGap, it’s open source core was donated to Apache Software Foundation with the Cordova name. Ionic used Cordova as for its core tools. Ionic offers all the native mobile phone functionalities and provides code and structural scalability to JavaScript applications by using Angular JS.
With the collection-repeat directive that renders visible items only in the DOM, developers can present huge item lists without affecting the scroll performance. As items visible in a viewport are only provided with this process, the scroll performance will not be affected.
The principal difference between PhoneGap and AIR is that developers can build PhoneGap application using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, but developers make AIR applications using tools rooted in the Flash Platform.
PhoneGap applications are usually executed inside the native web browser component for every supported platform, whereas AIR applications only the AIR runtime which enables developers to have a single code base with the exact similar behavior through all supported platform.
The Cordova has few limitations that we can expect with every hybrid mobile app framework.
- Not great to use for large applications that required lots of functionality and data as hybrid applications are slower compared to the native ones.
- As it supports cross-browser compatibility, lots of issues and bug could be faced with time, again which may require appropriate testing and optimization to cover.
- The issue may arise with plug-in compatibility with the different platforms and devices.
The manifest file is a must-have recorded in the root directory of every Android app named as 'AndroidManifest.xml'.
This file includes crucial information about the app, including the application’s Java packages name.