Google Analytics Interview Questions and Answers

It has always been tough to crack a Google Interview. Even the Google Analytics Interview questions for experienced aspirants can contain some of the basic questions but most of the people are unable to get it. The reason behind this is that Google is one of the most well-known technical organizations of the world and Google Analytics is a part of it. Google Analytics is Google’s own web analytics service launched in the year 2005 in the month of November after acquiring the developer Urchin. The main job of Google Analytics is to track and report website traffic which works currently under the “Google Marketing Platform” brand. It is one of the most widely used analytics services across the web. A major function of Google Analytics is to provide SDK (Software Development Kit) which eventually gathers usage data from both the iOS as well as Android app, popularly known as ‘Google Analytics for Mobile’ app.
Most Frequently Asked Google Analytics Interview Questions
Google Analytics is one of the most widely used free website analysis platforms owned and maintained by Google which enables marketers to track several site movements and report the same. One the script of Google Analytics is integrated into the website, marketers can track the performance of the website. By performance, here means user engagement, conversions, visitor’s flow and so on.
It also helps to analyze other information about the performance of the website and also provides tips and tricks which help in making decisions to improve traffic on-site and the overall revenue of the site. There are several other operations that Google Analytics perform such as reporting suspicious issues, geographical locations of visitors, etc.
The key site activities any user needs or wants to screen in Google Analytics can be termed as its goals. Marketers use Google Analytics goals as their tool to gauge what kind of campaign and strategies will work well with guests and which will not.
Some of the Google Analytics goals are as follows :
- Destination - Destination can be termed as a specific location present within the website.
- Duration - Duration can be termed as the time span which helps to know how long any guest lasts on the website.
- Page Visit- Page visit is nothing but the information about pages and visitors during a single visit.
- Events- Events help to gain information about various actions taken by visitors during each visit which include ad clicks and social media shares.
Conversions are one of the most common terms used by Google Analysts during work. A conversion is an event that takes place when the Google Analytics goals, which are already defined, are accomplished which results in the generation of revenues to the business.
In other words, it can be understood as when a user of a website takes any certain action on the website, for example, filling the form, registering, signing up, purchasing a product, reviewing, etc, conversion occurs. Conversions can be tracked with the help of goals in Google Analytics. Several goals are aimed during the screening of the website and whichever goal is accomplished, it leads to conversion.
The full form of KPI is Key Performance Indicators. KPI is one of the Google Analytics Metrics. KPI metrics help marketers and enable them to analyze their websites based on different business objectives. Business objectives are subject to time and location and KPI metrics fully understand this situation and help marketers in a suitable manner. It helps the website managers in the operationalization of their marketing goals. There are some notable examples of KPIs which play a great role in generating revenue for a website.
Some of the examples are :
- Sessions and users: It helps to gain information about the way in which traffic develops on a website.
- New and Returning visitors: It gives information about the frequency of users returning to the same website.
- Bounce rate: The bounce rate helps to know whether the requirements of the visitors are met.
- Goal conversion rate: Goal conversion rate enables marketers to know whether visitors perform desired actions or not.
- Time on Page: It gives information about the time duration spent on a particular page of a website.
Other very important KPIs include average page load time, bounce rate by browser, organic and paid sessions, the average session duration, users by gender, etc.
A group of interactions each user takes within a given time frame on a particular website is termed as a session. The default time frame provided by Google Analytics is 30 minutes. Sessions combine all the acts performed by the user in that particular time frame. It may include browsing pages, downloading resources, purchasing products, registering, filling the form, etc before leaving the website. Session metrics are a suitable way to report “visits” and “active users” on a website.
Session | Page View |
The session can be defined as a term used to denote a single visit on the website. | Page View represents each particular time a user loads any web page on a website. |
Whenever a user lands on a page, it is considered as a session irrespective of the time spent. | A single session may comprise of many page views. |
If a user leaves and comes back, it is counted as a new session. | If a user navigates through any other page on the website, it is also considered a page view. |
Yes, Google AdSense Campaigns can be tracked with the help of Google Analytics. Google Analytics is used to measure the accomplishment of the Google AdSense campaigns. Using Google Analytics enables the website managers to get a point-to-point report of site pages that perform best when it comes to making income with the help of AdSense.
E-commerce sales can be tracked using Google Analytics by using Google Analytics’ Goal Funnel feature. This feature is widely used to monitor the general achievement of e-commerce activities of a particular website. Goal Funnel feature enables the website marketers and managers to directly access the individual Shopping Basket Exchanges and can also help them to track various sales conversions and other related goals.
There are certain steps that should be opted for the same :
- Step 1: Install Google Analytics for your e-commerce website. Sign up with verified details.
- Step 2: After the installation of the Pixel, go back to the Google Analytics option. There is an admin panel where the option “Ecommerce settings” is present.
- Step 3: Click the Ecommerce tracking as “ON”. There are more advanced features present such as Related products or Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting. These options can also be turned on according to the preferences.
Google analytics benchmarking helps the website owners to know the reports of the website, is it trending or not? It helps to know the traffic on the website. The data in these reports help you know how well you are Competing in the industry. With the help of this, a user can know what are the trending devices in the industries. You can know your websites report not only on a national level but also on a global level. If someone wants to set up benchmarking then they can navigate to the admin section of Google Analytics. Then the user can check the benchmarking box in the account settings.
It is one of the most powerful methods that all the online business can take help from. The conversion of all the steps a user takes through the journey is done in this method. There are several parts of the business on which this method can be applied.
The three most important types of funnel analysis are:
- Onboarding funnel analysis
- Sales funnel analysis
- Marketing funnel analysis
Advanced features of Google Analytics include custom visitor segmentation and Real-time analytics. Real-Time Analytics of Google was launched on September 29, 2011, which makes the user able to monitor visitors on the site. It helps to manage the website traffic and proves extremely beneficial for marketers and analysts. Google Analytics Interview questions are always a level up and thus a little tough to crack. Many aspirants work hard and are still unable to succeed because of the lack of basic knowledge about the company and its working. Here are a few Google Analytics Interview questions and answers which are extremely beneficial for enthusiasts who wish to succeed in the interview :