Golang Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Go Interview Questions

An open-source programming language developed by Google, Go is designed for building fast and reliable applications. It is a statically-typed language that has a similar syntax to C.  This information has been asked quite a few times recently in Golang interview questions. Some of its main features include dynamic typing, rich library, a documentation engine called GoDoc that is used by the entire Go community, static code analysis, and built-in testing tools that are simple and efficient.

Quick Facts About Go Programming
What is the latest version of Go? 1.14.4 released on 1st June 2020.
When did Go programming release? 10th November 2009.
Who is the developer of Golang? It is designed at Google and developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.
What language does Golang use? The former was written in C but now written in Go itself.

Most Frequently Asked Golang Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Golang Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q31. How is actual parameter different from the formal parameter?

Actual parameters: Parameters that are sent to the function at the calling end.

Formal Parameters: Parameters that are at the receiving of the function definition.

Q32. List the Looping constructs in Go language.

A loop statement allows programmers to execute a statement multiple times. Here is a general type of loop statement used in the majority of programming languages:


Loop Control Statements: These statements change execution from the typical sequence. When an implementation leaves a scope, every programmed object gets diminished.

The Infinite Loop: A loop will turn into an infinite loop if its condition is never false. It is possible to create endless loops by keeping the conditional expression empty.

Q33. What is a modular programming language?

It is a strategy for creating software by separating the functionality of a program into a different independent and exchangeable modules that are clubbed together to achieve the final software.

This is an essential topic in GO interview questions and Answers.

Q34. What is slice?

Go Array allows programmers to define factors that can hold information of a similar kind yet not give any strategy for building size or for getting a sub-exhibit. Slice takes care of this limitation. It provides utility functions needed on Array and is a part of Go programming.

Q35. What is a structure?

It is one of the data types that allow programmers to combine data items of different types. There are two types of structure - type and struct. Once you set up a structure, you can use it to declare variables.

Q36. What are Interfaces?

It is a way to identify the behavior of objects. Developed with the help of “type” followed by the name and keyword, it is used to represent a pair by furnishing information stored in interface and pointer.

Q37. Why is Type assertion used?

It is used to check values that are held by interface type variable. It is also used to convert various GO types.

Q38. What is the syntax for creating a function?

func function_name( [parameter list] ) [return_types] {
     // the body of the function

Q39. How we can print type of a variable in Go Programming?

var x, y, z = 3, 4, "foo"
fmt.Printf("x is of type %Tn", x)

Q40. How many ways we can pass parameters to a function in GO Programming?
  • Call by value
  • Call by reference
  • Concise, simple to work and Scalable
  • Built-in support for other applications
  • Good speed across platforms like OS X, Linux, and Windows.
  • Ability to cross-compile the application to run on different devices than the ones used for development
  • Automatic management of memory

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