Full stack interview questions and Answers
A Full Stack developer is expected to have the functional knowledge and the ability to work on all aspects involved in building an application. A Full Stack developer should be able to write front-end code in Java, HTML, and JavaScript; create APIs and write backend code in Python/Java and Ruby; work on hardware and OS; have knowledge of networking and security; understand design and query databases. Here is the list of Full Stack Developer Interview Questions that will help you to crack your interviews.
Most Frequently Asked Full stack interview questions
S.no | Constructor | Destructor |
1. | It allocates the memory to an object. | It deallocates the memory of an object. |
2. | It accepts argument. | It does not take an argument. |
3. | In a class, there can be multiple constructors. | In a class, there can only be one destructor. |
Express.js is a web application server framework. It is used for Node.js. It helps to create node.js applications in less time. It also provides security-related help for node.js.
S.no | AngularJS | Node.js |
1. | Written only in Javascript. | Written in Javascript, C, C++. |
2. | It is a client-side web application | It is a server-side web application |
3. | It is a web application framework in itself | It is not a framework but has a framework like express.js |
S.no | Node.js | AJAX | JQuery |
1. | It allows JavaScript to be run without a browser | It a way for JavaScript to request the data from a server but without refreshing the page or blocking the application. | It is a JavaScript library which was built to automate and simplify the common web tasks like AJAX |
MEAN stack is a user-friendly free and open-source JavaScript software which is used for building the dynamic web sites and the web applications. The advantage of using the MEAN stack is that only language JavaScript runs on all the levels of the applications which makes it efficient.
MEAN stack is the composition of:-
- MongoDB as the database
- Express.js as the web framework which runs on Node.js
- AngularJS as the frontend framework
- Node.js as the server platform.
If the developer wants to go through different pages in a single page application and also with no reloading of the page then the ngRoute module is used. It routes the application to different pages with the reloading of the complete application.
S.no | Directive | Component |
1. | It is a behavior that has been added to the existing components. | Components have their own view i.e., HTML and styles. |
2. | There can be multiple directives in one element. | There can be only one component in one element. |
Note: These are Full Stack developer interview questions. Candidates who are deciding to switch to Full Stack or looking for a job must read this.
Multithreading is the ability of the Operating system or the program to handle the multiple user requests at a time for its resources. Here a user can be a human or another program.
CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a standard to share the selected resources between the web applications running on two different domains.
The ways to minimize the load time of a web application are:-
- Minimize the resources requested by a page
- Implement Lazy load so that the part of the page only loads when the access that part.
- Use Distributed networks for common resource files.
Java full stack developer interview questions
A java full stack developer is the person who is responsible for developing the frontend and the backend of the application. The term java full stack developer is used for the web developers who use Java for developing their entire technology stack.
- Import of project and the files
- Oops Concepts
- Core concepts
- Java array
- Collection Framework
- Debugging
There are a lot more skills that a java full stack developer requires, but the above ones are a must.
- What is a connection leak, and how can we fix it in Java?
- How can we detect and avoid deadlock in Java?
- What are the different methods of session management in Servlet?
- How many ways to handle exceptions in the Spring MVC Framework?
- Can you override a static method in Java?
- Which one is better, setter injection or constructor injection?
- What is the difference between Errors and Exceptions in Java?
- What is the difference between boxing and unboxing in Java?
- What is the use of overloading and overriding in Java?
- How garbage collection makes Java more memory efficient?
- What are Java's doGet () and doPost () methods?
Wrapping up
These are Java full stack developer interview questions that are going to help you in acing your upcoming interview. Prepare these questions very well and practice the coding part multiple times to ensure you didn't miss anything in your interview. If you have any suggestions about this article, please feel free to comment on the below box with your suggestions or feedback. If you want to learn more about the preparation for full stack developer interview questions, please visit our blog [blog link to be added].