ES6 Interview Questions and Answers
For a few years, ES6 interview questions have been a debatable topic among aspirants. The reason is, of course, its possibilities and functionalities. ES6 is the sixth version of the ECMAScript programming language. The standardized name for JavaScript is the ECMAScript whose version 6, popularly known as ES6, was released in the year 2011, after the success of version 5 of the same. ES6 brought major enhancements to the JavaScript language by adding interesting and new features. ES6 Interview questions for experienced have been tough too since it has been developed due to its huge list of features and applications.
Most Frequently Asked ES6 Interview Questions
Spread Operator- Donated by ‘...’ and is followed by the variable. The syntax of the spread operator would look like this for example:- ‘...X’. Spread operators manipulated objects and arrays which is the prime reason it is used in ES6. It is used for copying the property of one object to another.
Default Operator- In order to initialize a function using default values, the default operator is deployed. The parameter’s value can be anything- a number or a function or null.
Rest Parameter- This operator is used for recovering all the arguments that are required to invoke a function. This allows us to put items belonging to different categories separate. The rest parameter allows combining the parameters in a common array parameter.
Webpack allows you to create a pile of the javascript files that are usable in the browser. With Webpack, we can build the dependency graph, do application processing. With the dependency graph, one can map every module of the project. This helps in matching up with project requirements.
The advantage of a web pack is explained through its description above. It helps in making a bundle of the project modules into a single javascript file. Webpack combined the Dev server which helps in updating the code and asset management.
Class- You can use the patterns easily with OOP based class declaration. It works readily with constructors, supports base class access, inheritance and static methods. OOP refers to Object-Oriented Programming.
Proxies- With proxies, you get to create objects and you can host the objects with a huge behavior diversity. Proxies can help in profiling and logging as well.
You can call the immutable variables as constants. The value of a constant once defined remains the same and we cannot change it. This is the value that you introduce during the declaration. For example, const Y= 6.0. This value of Y would continue to be 6 throughout and it won’t be changed.
The main aim of developing ES6 is to make large scale software development easier and less complex. ES6 helps the developers to write codes in a cleverer way which culminates in the resultant code being more modern and easily readable. It solely focuses on writing less code and doing more work with. ES6 has been observed to have great performance and less consumption of memory which has made it favorable among developers all around the globe. It has also introduced various new revolutions in JavaScript like the arrow functions, template strings and template literals, const, let default parameters and many more. Some of the ES6 interview questions and answers are as follows :