Elixir Interview Questions and Answers
Elixir is a functional and dynamic language that is designed for building scalable applications. It is based on Erlang language VM which is known for running fault-tolerant and low-latency systems. Erlang was written in 1986 by Ericsson to help address fault-tolerance and concurrency. Offering useful tooling and extensible design, Elixir is supported by meta-programming and polymorphism.
Development History
Elixir was created in 2012 by Jose Valim on top of the Erlang VM called BEAM.
Latest Version: he latest version is 1.7.3 which was released in August 2018.
- Scalability and Extensibility
- Fault Tolerance
- Interactive and fast development
- Strong metaprogramming
- Simple syntax
Most Frequently Asked Elixir Interview Questions
You can define Structs by using the defstruct. Here is how you can do it:
iex> defmodule User do
...> defstruct name: "John", age: 27
...> end
iex> defmodule User do
...> defstruct name: "John", age: 27
...> end