CSS3 interview questions and Answers

It is a simple yet advanced design language aimed to simplify the process of making web pages more presentable. As it handles the look and feels of web pages, users can control text color, font style, layout for paragraphs & columns, layout designs, display variation for different devices and screen sizes, and plenty more. We will discuss a set of most interviewer asked CSS3 interview questions further here for your acknowledgment. As it’s easy to learn but offers powerful control over the HTML document presentation, most of the online businesses are hiring CSS experts to manage their HTML web pages exclusively.
Most Frequently Asked CSS3 interview questions
In CSS, Inline CSS has the highest priority, followed by Internal/Embedded sheets, then followed by External CSS, having the least priority.
In CSS, the jQuery element + next Selector is used to select elements that are placed next to each other. Here’s an example to select the <a> element that are next to each <div> element.
$("div + a")
CSS can be applied to any web page using the following three ways:
- Inline CSS
- Internal Style Sheet
- External Style Sheets
The box-shadow property is used to add shadow effects around any element’s frame. Users can set multiple effects to a portion separated by commas. Usually, it is described by X and Y offsets relative to the part, color, and blur and spread radii.
#box {
box-shadow: 3px 13px #999999;
The CSS3 has included 147 additional color keywords introduced in it. CSS3 also offers a number of other color options to users such as HSLA, HSL, and RGBA. These color types also have the ability to declare semitransparent colors.
The grouping selector in CSS selects all the HTML elements with the same style definitions. This will be better to group the selectors, to minimize the code.
The comma is a grouping method, it selects all the matching nodes.
Example: div, span will match both <span> and <div> elements.
The ::before the selector is used to inserting something before the content of any selected element. Whereas, the ::after selector to insert something after the content in a specified element.
Syntax for before selector:
::before {
css declarations;
Syntax for After Selector:
::after {
css declarations;
p::before {
content: "Read this -";
color: red;
background-color: red;
p::after {
content: " - Read this";
color: red;
background-color: red;
Tweening is a term that's not used too often in CSS. It has its roots in computer animation and products like Flash. In tweening, rather than telling the program exactly how to render each frame, the animator/designer would tell the program what position the objects are in at two "keyframes" while the program figures out how to do the transition of the objects between the two mentioned points.
Here’s an example of sliding in an
element from the left side of a browser screen using tweening.
p {
animation-duration: 4s;
@keyframes slidein {
from {
margin-right: 100%;
width: 300%;
to {
margin-right: 0%;
width: 100%;
The media query is a technique used to produce a tailored style sheet, better known as responsive web design, to desktops, tablets, laptops, and other mobile devices. We can also use media queries to specify certain styles required for printed documents or for screen readers.
To apply CSS to all elements, use the CSS * Selector.
* {
background-color: red;
This selects all the elements and changes their background color to blue.
- Saves time with web designing and development
- Easy to maintain and superior to HTML
- Better device and browser compatibility
Let’s discuss best interview questions on CSS3 prepared by industry niche experts for your acknowledgment. These CSS3 interview questions are suitable for experienced as well as beginners.
As web design plays a vital role these days to draw some potential customers, it enhances not only the look and feel of a website but also magnets more numbers of clients and eventually better ROI.