Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers

Bootstrap is a robust, mobile-first, front-end framework that is used for creating robust websites and apps. The most significant advantage of Bootstrap is that it comes with in-built tools for creating responsive websites as well as interface components. This information is frequently asked in Bootstrap interview questions. Free for using and an open-source, its intuitive and powerful structure allows for trendier and quicker website development. Bootstrap is a potent combination of HTML and CSS templates and supports most of the JavaScript extensions.
Most Frequently Asked Bootstrap Interview Questions
Bootstrap is the set of codes written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Bootstrap is an open source framework. Bootstrap framework is used for developing the website and the web applications.
Bootstrap is one of the most essential tools for the front end developers because of bootstrap help in creating complete websites in a short period. With the help of Bootstrap, developers do not have to write long CSS code, and they get more time to design the web pages.
We have covered all levels of bootstrap interview questions - basic and advanced levels.
- Bootstrap 3 redesigned the components to use flat design & mobile first approach
- Bootstrap provides the grid system for defining the layouts. The grid system has 12 columns, and many device sizes like Extra small devices(Phones), Small devices(Ipad, Tablet), Medium Devices(Desktop) and Large Devices(Desktop) and the sizes of each of the devices are pre-defined, and these pre-defined classes take the responsibility of the responsive aspects, therefore, no CSS is required.
- The layout system of Bootstrap is percentage based which keeps the mobile device support at the forefront.
<code> the tag is used for displaying the code inline and <pre> the tag is used if the system has to be presented as a standalone block element or if the law has multiple lines. While using the <pre> and <code> tags,unicode variants for the opening and closing tags − < and > should be used.
<code><header></code> wrapped as an inline element.
To display the code as a standalone block element use <pre> tag as:
<h1>The Article Heading</h1>
Bootstrap has many predefined button styles, and each button reflects either a message to the user or an action to be performed.
The different button styles are:-
- Primary
- Success
- Danger
- Warning
- Info
Classes for buttons are as follows:-
- .btn-default
- .btn-primary
- .btn-success
- .btn-info
- .btn-warning
- .btn-danger
The Carousel plugin is like a slideshow which is cycling through a series of content. The
content can be images or text. It has been built by CSS 3D transforms and a bit of
Bootstrap Navbar is a navigation bar which is located at the top of the web page.
Glyphicons are the icon fonts that can be used in the web projects. It gives us 260 glyphicons
from the Glyphicons Halflings set and these Glyphicons can be used in the text, buttons,
toolbars, navigation, forms and many more. Glyphicons are available free of cost for the
Bootstrap projects.
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-name"></span>
Form control in bootstrap automatically recieves the global styling.All the textual <input>,
<textarea>, and <select> elements with class .form-control have a specific width of 100%.
The bootstrap accordion is a component which organizes the content within the collapsible
items. Bootstrap Accordion shows only one collapsed piece at the same time. For
examples:-FAQ Page, Multiple Choice Questions and the Data tables.
Using Bootstrap data APIs enable you to create advanced level interface components without writing JavaScript. Supported by most of the popular browsers, Bootstrap is easy and quick to get started even if you have basic knowledge of CSS templates and HTML. Get more knowledge on this if you are preparing for Bootstrap Interview Questions.
Development History of Bootstrap
Called initially as Twitter Blueprint, Bootstrap is the brainchild of Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto at Twitter. The team released the initial version as open-source in August 2011. We have recently updated our selection of Bootstrap interview questions and answers for experienced professionals.
Latest Version
The recent version 4.2.1 was released in December 2018. Read more all past version and their features if you are preparing for Bootstrap interview questions and answers.
We have an extraordinary collection of various other pages interview questions and answers pages that help to crack your front end developer interviews.