Azure Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Azure Interview Questions

Microsoft Azure is an open and flexible cloud computing platform which provide a number of IT computing resources to the organizations. It is used to build, deploy, control and manage the application across a global network. It supports three services models namely IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). Users can integrate public cloud applications of Microsoft azure with the existing IT environment in order to run the business operations. We have provided a collection of Microsoft Azure Interview Questions that will help you to crack cloud computing interviews.

Most Frequently Asked Azure Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Azure Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q1. What is Microsoft azure and how does it work?

Microsoft Azure is a dynamic, flexible, and scalable cloud computing platform which is used to build, deploy, control and manage applications across the cloud. It provides four types of services namely application services, computing services, data services, and network services. Users can use Azure cloud services as per their costing model (Pay-as-you-go). Users will need to pay for the services that they have used.

Q2. What are the benefits of Microsoft Azure?
There are a number of benefits of Microsoft Azure-
  • Flexibility- Users can access the resources as per their requirements.
  • Agility- It is fast in the context of deployment, scalability, and operations.
  • Compliance- It stores data of the users in compliance with rules and regulations.
  • Storage- It provides a number of data centers and data repositories for storage.
  • Security- The data is protected with the help of a spy-movie environment.
  • Analytics support- Azure has built-in analytics support which helps the organizations to proactively analyze the upcoming demand.
  • Disaster recovery- The backup of data is maintained.
  • Frequent updates- The services that azure provides are highly compatible with the existing systems.
Q3. What do you mean by cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides a means through which users can access cloud applications as utilities with the help of the internet. It facilitates users to create, configure, deploy, and customize applications online. Users can access IT computing resources remotely from anywhere without worrying about any maintenance and management costs.

Q4. What are the most popular cloud computing deployment models?
There are four cloud computing deployment models namely-
  • Public cloud- The cloud is accessible to the general public.
  • Private cloud- It is accessible within an organization.
  • Hybrid cloud- The cloud is a mixture of Public and Private cloud.
  • Community- The cloud is accessible by a group of organizations
Q5. What is horizontal and vertical scaling in Azure?

Horizontal scaling- It is a scaling which deals with virtualization-based physical resources in which users can scale up and down into the pool of resources.

Vertical scaling- It is also scaling which deals with virtualization-based computing resources such as CPU cycles, RAM in which users can scale up and down into the pool of resources.

Q6. How many fault domains are allowed in Azure?

There is a total of 3 fault domains in Microsoft Azure

Q7. What is Virtual Machine scale set in Azure?
The virtual machine scale set in Azure is an identical pool which is used to build and configure the virtual machines.
Q8. What is Traffic Manager in Azure?
Traffic manager in azure is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables the users to distribute traffic to services across Azure regions while providing responsiveness and availability.
Q9. What is a break fix issue in Azure?
Break fail issues in azure are the technical faults that users’ experience while using Microsoft Azure services.
Q10. What is service bus queue in Azure?
Service bus queues in azure is a messaging infrastructure which supports service queueing system. Azure can fill the block of the queue by introducing more and advance level of virtualization-based cloud services.
  • Flexibility- Microsoft Azure cloud platform is highly flexible as companies can access the resources as per their requirements.
  • Speed and scales- The companies can scale up-and-down their requirements as per their business requirements and they need to only pay for the services that users have availed.
  • Device diversity- Users can access Azure services with smart devices from anywhere in the world.
  • Data and information management- In azure, all data of the users are located in a centralized location or repositories.
  • Customize setting- Microsoft Azure also allows users to customize your business applications
  • Automatic updating- It saves the time of companies and efforts to auto-update multiple servers.
  • Dependency- Users totally rely on the CSP (Cloud Service Providers). This is one of the major disadvantages of the Microsoft Azure platform.
  • Security- Due to open architecture, the Azure cloud is vulnerable to a number of security-related threats.
  • Migration issue- This is also a big concern about the Azure cloud. It is highly complex to migrate from one cloud to another due to mismatch working operations and policies.
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