Android Interview Questions and Answers

Android is a most popular mobile operating system which is not only used in mobile phone but on TV, cars, and smartwatches as well. Speaking of mobile phones, the primary function of android is to give the command to mobile applications to do the task. It’s like if you want to dial a number than android indicates Mobile to dial it. These Android Interview Questions are specially curated highly experienced industry professionals to help candidates in their future job success.
Advantages of Android
- Multitasking is one of the main benefits of Android. You could listen to songs along with an Internet browsering on Android.
- Access to hundreds of thousands of applications. You want to learn cooking, find the cooking app and start your learning.
- An android user has many options for phones, and it's branding, which is available in the different price range. So, there is a variety of choices with Android.
Most Frequently Asked Android Interview Questions
Q1. How to communicate between two fragments in Android?
Q2. How do you make a view visible and invisible on Android?
Q3. What are the different Viewgroups in Android?
Q4. How are Android touch events delivered?
Q5. What is the difference between RecyclerView and ListView in android?
Q6. What is the ViewHolder pattern? Why should we use it?
Q7. What is the use of BroadcastReceiver in Android?
Q8. What happens to AsyncTask if activity is destroyed?
Q9. How do you handle bitmaps in Android as it takes too much memory?
Q10. How do you manage portrait and landscape on Android?