Agile Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Agile Testing Interview Questions

Unlike other testing methods, Agile testing is a continuous method, not sequential, that starts continuously testing the project between project development and compilation. An Agile testing program includes a team of cross-functional Agile members and professional expertise to testers to ensure optimum business standard required by the client, while continuously working with a sustainable pace and improved framework. We will discuss a few of the most frequently asked Agile testing interview questions further here for your acknowledgment.

Advantages of Agile

  • Quick and continuous delivery of most client satisfying products.
  • Constant interaction between testers, developers and customers, thus resulting in a thorough process.
  • Working software is delivered as a result with continuous attention to design and technical excellence.
  • Continuous adaption to the framework changes required by the client.

Most Frequently Asked Agile Testing Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Agile Testing Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. Differentiate user stories, tasks, and epic.

Tasks are created by the development team to accomplish the business requirements. Whereas, the user stories define the actual business requirement and are usually created by the business owner. A group of user stories will be called as n epic.

Q12. Explain the term spike.

Spikes are created to resolve technical issues and design problems of the project with utmost priority.

There are two types of spikes; technical and functional.

Q13. What is TDD (Test Driven Development)?

TDD or the Test Driven Development is a test-first development technique which used to add a test before the complete production code could be written. The test will be run based on the result refactor the code to complete the test requirements.

Q14. What is scrum-ban?

Scrum-ban is a software development model, a combination of kanban and scrum. It is considered for maintenance projects that require changes or wonderful user stories. The minimum completion time can be reduced with the use of scrum ban.

Q15. Explain the tracer bullet.

Tracer bullet can be defined as a spike with the current set or best practices or contemporary architecture. It is used to examine the workability of an end-to-end process and its feasibility.

Q16. What do you mean by Taskboard in Agile?

A task board is a chart that represents the columns: In progress, To do and Done columns that help the user organize the teamwork. Backlog as a column can also be created to track what’s left.

Q17. Explain the difference between burn-down and burn-up in Agile?
Answer Burn-down Burn-up
1. Burn-down gives you an overview of the remaining work in the project. It shows the quantum of progress in the middle of the project and the quantum of development at the end of the project (completion of the project). Burn-up gives you an overview of the project that has been completed. The Burn-up shows the scope of increase and decreases at the beginning and the end of the project.
2. The burn-down project races down to the zero when it comes to the ending of the project. The burn-up work is shown in two different lines. This provides the information by rectifying and diagnosing the problem.
Q18. What do you mean by refactoring also explain its importance in agile testing?

Refactoring is a process of improving the internal structure of the source code of the program while not disturbing any external structure. Refactoring doesn’t mean fixing bug and rewriting code. In the context of agile, it defines the difference between meeting or not meeting.

Q19. Explain the difference between agile and scrum?
Answer Agile Scrum
1. Agile is a method of continuous iteration of SDLC Process Testing and Development. It processes the value of the business and delivers it in the shortest possible time.
2. It fosters teamwork and face-to-face transmission of thoughts. It sets a defined goal and focuses more on iterative work, teamwork, and accountability.
3. It is highly flexible and reacts quickly for any change that has been observed It works on a rigid method. So, it doesn’t leave any room for any sudden change.

Agile testing requires a higher level of collaboration between testers and developers. Agile testers have to list out and provide the developer's team with the corrective feedback during the continuation cycle. You can download Agile testing questions and answers pdf from here after registration or can subscribe. Simplifying it, this is an on-going integration between Agile development and testing approaches to acquire the results. You must read in-depth about this if you are preparing for Agile scrum interview questions.

Due to the excellent benefits of Agile development and testing, the development and testing industry has quite a bit of demand for Agile testers.

If you are preparing to attend an interview in this niche, the further mentioned Agile interview questions project manager, as well as newbies, will help you ride the success rail.

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